Fillable Printable Template of Teacher Resume
Fillable Printable Template of Teacher Resume

Template of Teacher Resume

Teacher resume template
A few notes:
Don’t use either the content or the format of this template as an exact model for your
resume – you don’t want your resume to look like everyone else’s from BC, do you?
There are no rules of resume writing! Nothing in your resume has to match this one
– your category headings; how you lay out each job or activity; your format and
font; your descriptions – NONE of these has to match this resume.
Limit your resume to one to two pages (two pages is generally fine for education resumes).
Your Name
(You may want a separate job-hunting email that you can keep after graduating)
(Be sure to check it regularly!)
Current Address Permanent Address
20 Whatnot St. 82 Snooze St.
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Falstaff, TX 45678
617-552-3644 979-123-4567
Boston College, Lynch Graduate School of Education
Chestnut Hill, MA
M. Ed. In Moderate Special Needs
May, 2007
GPA: (list if it’s over 3.0; otherwise, usually is assumed to be lower)
Honors and Awards (If applicable - Dean’s list, scholar-athlete, etc. – CAN be separate
section of resume, but usually is a line or sub-section under Education.)
University of Your College
Austin, TX
B.A. in Elementary Education and Chinese
May, 2005
GPA: (list if it’s over 3.0; otherwise, usually is assumed to be lower)
Honors and Awards (If applicable - Dean’s list, scholar-athlete, etc.)
Massachusetts Certification (your grade level) pending
Communications and Literacy Skills Test – (“Passed” or “registered to take” and
date) .
Subject Test: General Knowledge – (“Passed” or “registered to take” and date)
Another State’s Certification, Grades , granted Date and Year .

Full Practicum Student Teacher, Grade 3
Season, Year
Generic Elementary School Town, MA
(Usually 4-7 bullet points reflecting your strengths as a teacher).
Teacher in what type of classroom? Inclusion? EFL? Culturally diverse? Urban or
suburban (necessary if applying out of state)?
Planned and taught what type of unit? Give specifics, especially what was creative
about it. Can include information on how learning was assessed; how instruction
was individualized; etc.
IF you want to talk about two different units, use two separate bulleted statements.
Look at your Teacher Candidate Resume Worksheet? What items reflect your
best qualities or accomplishments as a teacher?
Attended professional development seminars? In what? Did you help plan or
organize them?
Created something for the classroom, such as reading areas, history timeline,
student profiles, science corner?
What practices did you use to assess learning?
What way(s) did you collaborate with other teachers or student teachers?

Did you contribute to the school in ways other than classroom teaching (for
example, helping to run a major field trip, serving on a committee, or helping with
a sport or after-school activity)?
Were you involved in parent-teacher conferences or other parent interactions?
Pre-Practicum Student Teacher
Season, Year
Richard Milhous Nixon Elementary School Town, TX
(Usually 3-4 bullet points reflecting your strengths as a teacher).
Teacher in what type of classroom? Inclusion? EFL? Culturally diverse? Urban or
Planned and taught what type of class(es)? Give specifics, especially what was
creative about it. Can include information on how learning was assessed; how
instruction was individualized; etc.
Some candidates have a bullet point about individual work with students (e.g.
tutoring, leading a reading group, providing after-school assistance).
Look at your Teacher Candidate Resume Worksheet? What items reflect your
best qualities or accomplishments as a teacher?
Look at the other questions from the full practicum category ABOVE. What
items from your pre-practicum reflect your best qualities or accomplishments as a

teacher, AND which of those may not be expressed in the description of your full
Include in the “Teaching Experience” category any job, activity, or volunteer
experience where you actually taught in a classroom, a summer program, worked as a
substitute teacher, etc.
Follow the previous sections’ template on how to type these experiences into
your resume
Your Name, page 2
This is an OPTIONAL category. In this category you could include any job, activity,
or volunteer experience where you were not teaching in a classroom but where you were
working with children (coaching, tutoring, summer camp counselor) or had other work
experiences related to education (residence hall advisor; graduate assistant in an
Education department, etc.)
Follow the previous sections’ template on how to type these experiences into
your resume
Job/Activity Title
Employer Town, TX
(Number of bullet points varies, depending on how relevant this job or activity to
teaching. This job or activity may be valuable because of the level of
responsibility you had, leadership role, etc.)
What successes or accomplishments did you have at this job or activity? (An
“accomplishment” could be a lasting change you made; a creative solution you
came up with to a problem; a goal or expectation that was exceded.)
What other responsibilities or duties did you have?

This can simply be “OTHER EXPERIENCE” – doesn’t have to be limited to paid jobs.
Follow the previous sections’ template on how to type these experiences into
your resume
Job/Activity Title
Employer Town, TX
(Number of bullet points varies, depending on how relevant this job or activity to
teaching. This job or activity may be valuable because of the level of
responsibility you had, leadership role, etc.)
What successes or accomplishments did you have at this job or activity? (An
“accomplishment” could be a lasting change you made; a creative solution you
came up with to a problem; a goal or expectation that was exceded.)
What other responsibilities or duties did you have?
This is an OPTIONAL category. You would include this if your skills helped you stand
out from the crowd. For example:
Various Mac & PC programs including Microsoft Office, Photoshop,
Logo, Delta Draw, Kid Pix, Super Paint.
Languages: Conversational ability in Spanish
This is a VERY OPTIONAL category. You would include this if your interests if they
helped you stand out from the crowd, indicated a well-rounded life-style, or were directly
related to your teaching.