Fillable Printable Employment Application Forms
Fillable Printable Employment Application Forms

Employment Application Forms

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Return to: driver[email protected]
Employment Application Form
Recruitment Telephone: 01302 765215
Job Code Ref No (NI only):
Position Applied For:
1 Title
2 Forename
3 Middle Name(s)
4 Surname
5 Known As
6a NI Number
*UK only
6b PPS No
*ROI only
7 Date of Birth
2 Complete all sections on the form as instructed
3 Please complete this form electronically using the following for guidance:
a. Use the drop down selections to complete your answer where applicable
c. Submit your completed application to driver[email protected]
Section A1: Personal Details
To be completed by ALL applicants
1 Home Address
Post Code
2 Phone No * Preferred Contact Number (please enter ' before number)
3 Home E-Mail (used for offer letter etc.)
4 Gender
5 Marital Status
Go to Section A2
Section A2: Next Of Kin
1 First Point Of Contact in the case of an emergency:
a Full Name
b Relationship
Effective Date
c Address
Post Code
d Phone No.
Go to Section B
Section B: Additional Information
To be completed by ALL applicants
Yes No
1 Do you hold a full Driving Licence?
Country of Issue
Licence Number
Expiry Date
Yes No
2 Do you have any current licence endorsements?
Yes No
3 Are you a member of any professional body?
4 Yes No
Go to Section C
Section C: Driving Licences
Yes No
If yes: Licence Number
Valid From Date
Expiry Date
Licence Category
Yes No
If yes: Licence Number
Valid From Date
Expiry Date
Licence Category(s) please tick
C1 +E
Other (Please specify)
Yes No
If yes: Number of hours
This form must be completed fully for all job applications
Mark all other boxes with an X where appropriate or as instructed
Ensure that all mandatory fields marked * are completed.
If No, proceed to Question 2
If Yes:
If Yes, how many points?
If No, proceed to Question 4
If Yes, provide details and level of membership
Have you any unspent criminal convictions as defined in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974(UK)
or the Rehabilitation of Offenders Order 1978 (Northern Ireland)? (If yes, please give details at the end
of form.) If your offence is spent, you do not need to declare this offence on this form.
To be completed only if you are a professional driver.
If you are not, go to Section D.
Please mark your answer with an X and provide information as applicable
Do you hold a FLT Licence?
Do you hold a LGV Licence?
Have you got Driver CPC?

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4 Where are your prefered locations of work?
(eg: Stoke / Birmingham / London / Stafford)
5 How far would you be prepared to travel to work?
(eg: 15 miles / 50 mins)
Go to Section D
Please note: All licences listed above essential for the role for which you are applying will
need to be produced at interview and copies will be taken.

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Section D: Education & Training
To be completed by ALL applicants
Examinations Taken Level Grade
Examinations Taken Qualifications
Start and Finish Dates
Please continue in the space provided at the end of this application if necessary
Go to Section E
Section E: Employment History & Experience
To be completed by ALL applicants
Your Present Employer Brief Outline of Main Duties & Responsibilities
Name / Company
Position Held
Current Salary
Notice Period
Start Date
Leaving Date *
* if applicable
Brief Outline of Main Duties & Responsibilities
Name / Company
Position Held
From / To Dates
Reason for Leaving
Name / Company
Position Held
From / To Dates
Reason for Leaving
Name / Company
Position Held
From / To Dates
Reason for Leaving
Name / Company
Position Held
From / To Dates
Reason for Leaving
Schools Attended from Age Eleven
Northern Ireland Only: Do not state school name; only state "Grammar" or
Further Education
State Full Time or Part Time
Training History
Course Name: State Full Time or Part Tme
Qualification / Skills
Previous Employment & Experience
(Most recent experience first and work backwards)

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Please continue in the space provided at the end of this application if necessary
Please describe the skills, knowledge and experience you have that make you suitable for this position:
Please add any other information or supporting evidence you wish to provide:
Go to Section F
Section F: References
To be completed by ALL applicants
Referee Information
Yes No
Job Title
Contact E-mail
Telephone No.
Job Title
Contact E-mail
Telephone No.
Job Title
Contact E-mail
Telephone No.
Job Title
Contact E-mail
Telephone No.
Please continue in the space provided at the end of this application if necessary
Data Protection Statement & Declaration
To be completed by ALL applicants
Signed: Date:
Supporting Information
This section is provided to allow you to present yourself in a more individual way e.g. to highlight any special skills or attributes or
describe any significant achievements in your life so far (personal as well as work), and express your career aspirations.
Please provide at least 2 employment referees, one of whom should be your present/most recent employer, and other referees where
employment references are unavailable. In all cases these should cover a minimum of 3 years. Wincanton reserves the right to seek
alternative referees to those recorded if appropriate. Please enter ' before a phone number)
Dates Employed:
From / To
Permission to contact
before offer is made?
The information that you provide on this form and that obtained from other relevant sources will be used to process your application
for employment. The personal information that you provide will be used in confidence to help us monitor our recruitment processes
and, unless otherwise stated, may be held and used by Wincanton to enable us to consider you for other suitable vacancies. In the
event that you do not wish us to retain your information on file for these purposes, please let us know. If you take up a position with
Wincanton, the information provided will be used in the administration of your employment with Wincanton. If there is a complaint or
legal challenge relevant to this recruitment process, the information collected may be disclosed to or checked with third parties or
against other information held by Wincanton. Wincanton may also use or pass to certain third parties information to prevent or detect
crime, to protect public funds, or in other ways as permitted by law. By signing the application form you agree to the processing of
your sensitive personal data, (as described above), in accordance with Wincanton's registration with the Data Protection
I declare that the information I have given in this application is complete, accurate and true. I understand that providing misleading or
false information will disqualify me from appointment OR, if appointed, may result in my dismissal. In the event of being offered a
position, I agree to submit to a medical examination if required and agree to references being taken up.

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Supplementary Sheet
Section B (Supplement) - Additional Information
Section D (Supplement): Education and Training
Start and Finish Dates
Section E (Supplement): Employment & Experience
Brief Outline of Main Duties & Responsibilities
Name / Company
Position Held
From / To Dates
Reason for Leaving
Name / Company
Position Held
From / To Dates
Reason for Leaving
Section F (Supplement): References
Please enter ' before a telephone number
Referee Information
Yes No
Job Title
Contact E-mail
Telephone No.
Job Title
Contact E-mail
Telephone No.
If you answered Yes to B4 (Unspent Criminal Convictions) please provide the details here:
Training History
Course Name: State Full Time or Part-time
Qualification / Skills
Previous Employment & Experience
(Most recent experience first and work backwards)
Dates Employed:
From / To
Permission to contact
before offer is made?

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The following page is optional
Equal Opportunities Monitoring
Application Ref No (If applicable):
This section of the application will be detached from your application and will be used solely for monitoring purposes.
1 Title
**Please Select**
2 Forename 3 Surname
4 Gender
**Please Select**
5 Date of Birth
6 Nationality
**Please Select**
7 Place of Birth
8 Marital Status
**Please Select**
9a Protestant
Roman Catholic
Non Determined
9b None Jewish
Buddhist Muslim
Christian Sikh
Hindu Other
the Commission for Racial Equality 2003 (UK) and the Equality Commission Code of Practice (Northern Ireland)
White - UK / Irish Black African/Caribbean
White - European
White and Asian Asian
White and Black African Chinese
White and Black Caribbean Unknown
Yes No
Yes No
12 Do you require any reasonable adjustments to assist you with the recruitment process?
(If you require further information relating to the recruitment process or require additional aids to complete your application
please contact the manager indicated in the job advertisement).
(Definition of disability: “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the
person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”.)
company’s operations in connection with your employment. I declare that the information given on this form is correct. I
understand that any false statement could lead to dismissal.
Signed: Date:
Wincanton, as a multi-cultural group, is committed to providing an environment that maximises the benefits available from a diverse
workforce. Wincanton recognises and actively promotes the benefits of a diverse workforce and is committed to treating all
employees with dignity and respect regardless of race, gender, gender reassignment, disability, age, sexual orientation, marriage and
civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion, belief or political affiliation.
Please provide details of your religion (ROI based vacancies may ignore this section if desired):
For Northern Ireland based vacancies, select one only using an X:
For UK based vacancies, select one only using an X:
If you have selected other, please specify:
Please select the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background. The categories were recommended by
Black - Other*
White - Other* Other*
* If you have selected any of the other options please specify:
Do you have any disabilities or a health condition that we should be made aware of?
If yes, please give details:
If yes, please state here:
Data Protection Act: The information provided within this form may be used for statistical analysis and to administer the