
Fillable Printable Farewell Message for a Colleague download

Fillable Printable Farewell Message for a Colleague download

Farewell Message for a Colleague download

Farewell Message for a Colleague download

Sample Farewell Letter to Colleagues
Dear Colleagues,
It is with regret that I write this letter to inform you of my decision to resign
from [Company Name] effective March 8, 2013.
It has been a pleasure working with all of you as we navigated both the good
times and the more challenging times. I especially appreciate all the people
who took the time to answer my questions, explain corporate policies and
procedures, and train me to perform new assignments.
Although I am excited at the prospect of moving on to a new job with new
responsibilities, I doubt very much that I will ever find another team as caring
and cohesive as this one.
I extend my best wishes to all of you and to the [Company Name]. If you wish
to stay in touch with me, you can reach me at my personal e-mail at [E-mail
[Your Name]
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