Fillable Printable Farewell Message to a Friend Download
Fillable Printable Farewell Message to a Friend Download

Farewell Message to a Friend Download

My dearest friends Roby and Tony
Dorm 123,
Manchester University Hostel
Manchester University, Manchester
United Kingdom
June 20XX
Subject: good bye to my best friends
Dear Roby and Tony
Many times in life, we have to face the situation of saying good bye to those we love
more than anything in the world and dear friends; this is one of those times. As you
know, the day of graduation is just round the corner and while you two will remain in
Manchester, I would have to leave for London.
When I joined the university, I didn’t expect to meet such amazing people and become
friends with them for life. Your constant support and your boundless love helped me
spend these 3 years which I will cherish for life. Now that college is over, we three will
embark in different directions in search for our calling in life. My first stop in this
journey is in London and thus I would have to take your leave. I hope we shall remain
in touch and be friends for life.
Wishing good luck to both of you,
Bye bye dear friends
Your Buddy for life,
Mathew Hayden