
Fillable Printable Farewell Speech Samples New

Fillable Printable Farewell Speech Samples New

Farewell Speech Samples New

Farewell Speech Samples New

Isha Desai-X II B
Farewell Speech by o ur Std XI I Students
Good Eveni ng!
F or the bet ter part of my life,t his school has been my s econd home,and it’ s really hard t o t alk about
14 year s of memories in one shor t speech.Now that we’re all here today,official ly sayi ng
Good bye to this school,our teachers & to each other,it f inally da wns upon me wha t a big piec e of
my l ife I ’m leavi ng behind.. Some of you, I ’ ve known si nce f orever and s ome of you, just a couple of
yea rs .You guys are someofthe most a ma zing pe ople I k now and Im g oing t o m iss yo u all.This
past year, I ha ve had the honour of being t he head girl of th is prestig ious inst itute. I ta keimmense
pride in the fac t that e veryone hasshown so much faith in me. All my teac hers,e verysing le one of
them has played an import ant rolein bri nging me where I am t oday. A lways re ady to help, academics
or ot her wise, you are an int egral part of me and I thank you f or being t herewhen I needed you.
Thisbig blue buildingmeans more to me thanwords can express .It saddens me now that I
rea lize Iwill neve r be comin g back he re again. As muc h as it kills me to say this, Toda y is theday,
toda y is the day we venture into the world. Today is the da y we le ave school. Toda y istheda y we
say goodbye . But don’t be dismaye d at goodbyes;a farewell is necessary before we Canmeet again.
T hank You
Good Evening Ever ybody,I am Malhar Bhoit e
Mal h ar Bhoi te-XII B
I wrot e this speech last night and the only thing I couldn’ t find was t he perf ect opening l ine.
Ever ything has been hear d and s aid over t he years.A ll I know,is t hat I st and here t oday,wit h a heavy
heart.Wh at does Vi khePatil mean to me? It simply defines who I am.
I like to think of VPMS asa sculptor ,which takes in every year,a group of uncultured minds and
sends outevery year,a batch of refined individua ls,each with a unique character and ambition for
his/her life ahead.This diff icult task ofchiselingis done by our teachers.Today,being one of the
outgoi ng st udent s,I hope I make my teachers a nd school proud of me.
The school has taught me so many skills and values that its not possible to list them down in one
small speech.It ha s bee n an e nric hin g a nd me mora ble journe y of fourte en love ly ye arsand be ing the
Headboythis year.
It’s aruthle ss world o ut there! The elde rs sa y,people will n ot hesita te to trample you.but,I be lie ve
that along w ith the required skills,one needs t o be a good human being to succeed pr ofessional l y and
personally.This,is what I have learnt here.I t goeswit hout saying,my l ife is not goi ng t o be t he same
without schoo l.Being in school s ubje cts you to a healthy rout ine a nd discip line .If you stray off the
track ,there are always people who will guide back.In college,the re is go in g to be no such sup port
system.Each individualis on his own,and all of us have t o face var ious chal lenges and ma ke difficult
decisions.Thats natural ,but how you dea l with it depends on how you ha ve been moulde d by your
parent s andschool.I am confi dent t hat bot h have done an excellent job and I am ready to take on the
world.Also, the kakas & Maus his keeping it spic & span and making it a pleasur e to step int o school
ever y mor ni ng.
I ta ke this opport un ity t o tha nk all the teac hers for teac hing us not on ly the assigne d curr ic ulum but
also enlightening us with the valuablelessons of l ife.next,the management of VPMS for showing us
how to run t he school wit h dignity and discipli ne and ofcourse ! I would like t o thank my dear f riends,
some,who taught me what to do in life by being sh in ing e xamp le s and some othe rs ,w ho taught me
what not to do!
A special thanks to all the teachers present here today for being a part of these final two years.
Look in g at the m take a kee n interest a ndexcel in their respective subjects has always inspired me to
pur sue and mast er at leas t one, if not mor e of t hes e subject s.
All my t eacher sand friends have always been an int egral par t of my l if e and not seeing you all again
gives me t he shivers.I hopeto remain in touch wit h each one of you all forever.I wish all my friends
good luck for their fut ure l if e and I pr ay that each one achieves his/her goals and dr eams .
I will miss eachand every element of this school but at the same time,cherish the memorie s of my
time spent here.I conclude with a heartfelt thankyou and a tearful goodbye to everyonewho has
bee n a part of this wonderful journey a nd yes,e ven in this mo me nt of sa dness I a m passing out as a
Vik heite
My first day her e w asalmost 5 years ago and I wasn’t excited at all,T heidea of goi ng to a school so
diff er ent f rom my ol d one upset me, b ut thingsare differentnow.In these past 2 years I have done s o
much and met so amazing people because I realizedits high time I stopped acting like a snob.
Annualday became a fond memory when I tried something new.Sports days here are an
unforgettable experience .I ca n’t forge t thec haosand jus t fell the exc itement and enthus iasm in t he
Natasha-X II B
All my teachers deserve a specialThank you.Even though its apparent that I don’t really have an
aptitude for this stream.I learnt a lot.Bind u Maam’s passion for phys ic s ma kes her papers a te rror
but still like the subject.My interest in bio logy has only increa sed a nd after two ye ars of seaving our
jo urna ls I can draw decent dia gra m now.I am not go ing for more time here be cause this is where I
lear nt how to let go and move on and I am so gratefulfor that lesson.but itsto le ave. Iwish everyone
here t he bestwherever they go. We’reall goi ng t o need it .
Thank you.
Ladies and Gentlemen,do forgive me if I may sound nervous and unclear in my speech ,for this
happens to be my first attempt at talking to acrowd on such a specialoccasion.If I had to look at
myself now f rom the per spect ive of my 15 year ol d self ,I most certainly would’ve tr ied to slap mys elf
awake.Little did I know that I was going to be part of a school that was going to bring out the
dor mant and creative side of my personal it y.
Parsh wanat h Dosh i -X II B
To be very fra nk with all of you,I wasa very studious a nd an introvert person.I wa s striving only to
get better marks in the next examination coming my way.Being from a boys school,I had also
developed a s mallphobia of t alking to girls.Coming to t his school hasdrama tically changed t he w ay
I look at l ife today.O ver t he cour se of 2 years,P arshwanat h Doshi,who was only know n for his good
grades had pla yed the pia no on sta ge,conduc ted a quiz compet it io n,p laye d a role in an Englis h pla y,
delivered a speech inHindi,become a prefect,participated in essay writing competition,played in
inter-house foot ball match,run f or a CrossC ountr y race t wice and much more.V PMS is the reason
why today,I am able t o stand before you give this speech.
This sc hools u nique ness lie s in the va rious opportun it ies that itg ive s all of its pup ils .The teachers
are able foc us more on each ind iv idua l ch ild sinc e the populat io n here is rela tive ly le ss.In my hours
of contemplation during break times,I realised that the children enjoy spending half of their days
here.Even support s taff s ee m to love to do their jobs,w hic h is one of the rea sons w hy some of the m
have been wor king her e f or almost as long as I’ ve lived.
In this rather briefassociation with VPMS,Ihave learned many inva luable lessons,for which I am
indebt ed to i t.Today.on the thr es hold of l if e,before we all part ways,I would l ike t o t hank all of you.
My teachers,f or all the know ledgeand guidance you have given me ,my dear f riendsand all the kids
studying i n j unior classes f or being const ant reminders of an opt imistic and happy lif e .
T hank You
Good Evening,Honorable P rincipal Ma’am,,Respected Teachers and my dear friends,
Rheeya Up paal-XII A
Today,as I s ta nd he re and spea k,I recollectthe da y the FIITJEE ba tc h jo ine d th is prestig io us school
two years ago.Weall came from different schools and boards,w ith mixed feelings.Some of joy,
some of i ntrigue and some of apprehension of how this school would accept us and what was in st ore
for us to this day.
Today when I ponder ,I wonder where t hose two yearswent... ..They simply fleeted by happily on the
sands of t ime and have usher ed us to this day.For t he s econd t ime in ourlives ,we face the enor mous
ta sk of bid d in g adie u t o our frie nds,our teachers,our pee rs and a pa rt of our live s.Today , anot he r
chapter of our l ives ends wit h advent of a shini ng new one beckoni ng us! It is,undeniably dif ficult t o
say to goodbye to wha t bette r wa y to do it tha n cele bra te ?Celebrate the fact that we,e ntering these
walls as saplings and having been nur t ured and cared for by our dear t eachers,can now cal l ourselves
young tr ees,r eady to face t he world and whatevercomeswit h it .
I ta ke this opportu n ity to than k all our te ache rsand the admin is trative staff of this wonderful s choo l
for the guidance,love and care bestowed on us over these years.It has been a matter of pride to
belong t o t hisinstit ution and we look f orward t o an unending association with the staf f and school.
We shall not be dismayed atgoodbyes because a farewell is necessary before we can meetagain in
life.I would like to close with a quote of Wins t on Churc hill sa ys,This is not the end,h is n ot e ven
the beginning of the end,I tis inst ead t he end of the beginning.
Thank You & chee rs to a new beginning !
Aseem Raina
Give me some sunshine,give me some rain,give me anot her chance ,I wanna grow up onceagain.
So now thisis it-the end of 12 bl issful year s of schooll ife .Looking back at all t hes e years t hat I have
spent asa student,Ic an’t help be ing overcome with a fee ling of nostalg ia and emotion.I realise that
today I depart with mixed emotions.Joyous,that I am prepared to deal withlife’s challenges yet
disa ppo inted that I ha ve to le ave sc hool in order to move on in life.School ha s taught mea lot many
things.The disciplinary rules never really allowed me to get carried away.T he schedule hel ped me to
stay focusedon my priorities in life.Here I would know that the manners and character that we
inculcate now remains withus in life .The y mou lde d meinto a be tter person and the irincessantand
timely guidance helped me tackle the academic pressures.Not to forget my fr ie nds,I would like to
mention here t hat this is t he fir st timein 12 yr s wher eI have know n more or lessmy who le c lass well
enough.I have made some really goo d frie nds here and may ha vea ll helped me whe n I neede d their
support,corr ect ed me when I waswr ong and pr aised me when I deserved it. And I reall y value that .
I would like t o conclude wit h this thought -many say that memories ar e life footpri nts in the sand,they
are washedawaywith the t ides of time.but here I say conf idently that t hese wi l l r emai n etched in my
heart fore ver.Best of luck t o all my f riends for their fut ureendeavors.
T hank you.
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