Fillable Printable Formal Letter Format Template
Fillable Printable Formal Letter Format Template

Formal Letter Format Template

Fiona Ross –
Formal Letters
This handout has some basics for writing formal letters and two examples.
Please note that the letters on this handout are only rough guidelines with useful
and polite expressions.
Every letter should be individual and tailored to the recipient (the person you are
writing to!).
Before you start to write think carefully about the following:
WHO exactly am I writing to?
WHAT will this person know already?
WHAT do I want to/ need to tell them?

Fiona Ross –
Example 1:
Marktstätte 168c
78444 Konstanz
31st April, 2010
Recipient's Name
Dear Madam/ Dear Sir/ Dear Madam, dear Sir,
I am a student of Administration, now in my second year (fourth semester), at the
University of Konstanz, Germany. As part of the course of studies all students
are required to do an 8-month /a 6-week/ work placement.
As I hope to work in a .... after finishing my studies, I would be particularly
interested in working in the export/auditing/ department of your firm to gain some
experience. I would also be interested in ........./ I am completely flexible and
would be happy to work in any department in order to gain experience./
I would be very grateful if you could let me know whether there would be a
place for me. The most suitable times would be from early March to mid-October.
Please find enclosed my CV/ details of my courses/ details of my previous work
experience/ details of previous work placements. As you can see from my
particulars, I have a good command of English and a working knowledge of
Thank you for your attention. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Your name
(Please note that if you know the person`s name you write:
Dear Mr Brown and conclude with: Yours sincerely,)

Fiona Ross –
Example 2:
Marktstätte 118c
78444 Konstanz
31st April 2010
The Warden
Edinburgh Hall of Residence
3 Queen`s Drive
Edinburgh EH2 3KY
Dear Madam, dear Sir,
Hostel Accommodation
I am a student of English at the University of Konstanz, Germany, and have just
been accepted to study for a year at Edinburgh University. I would like to stay in
the hostel, and would be grateful if you could let me know if there would be a
place for me from September 2010 to July 2011. Could you please send me the
necessary application forms along with some details about the hostel, including
Thank you for your attention. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Your name
(Please note that if you know the person`s name you write:
Dear Mr Brown and conclude with: Yours sincerely,)