Fillable Printable Free Formal Grievance Letter Template
Fillable Printable Free Formal Grievance Letter Template

Free Formal Grievance Letter Template
Sample Letter: Notification of Intent to Withdraw a Student
(Please re-type this letter in your own words)
(Personal Stationery or Plain Paper)
(Today’s date)
(Name of School Enrollment Official)
(School Name and District, if applicable)
Dear (Official's Name):
We are writing to inform you that our child(ren), (Child(ren)’s Name(s)), are withdrawing from (School
Name) and will not complete the current school year. He/she/they will instead be attending a private
school for the remainder of this school year. Please remove his/her/their names from your records.
Families who are withdrawing students before the school year begins should substitute the following for
the first paragraph:
We are writing to inform you that our child(ren), (Child(ren)’s Names(s)), will not be reenrolling at
{School Name) for the coming school year. He/she/they will instead be attending a private school. Please
remove his/her/their names from your records.
To the extent necessary to complete the enrollment at hislher/their new school, you will be contacted
directly by the school regarding the transfer of records.
Thank you for your cooperation.