Fillable Printable Sample Stakeholder Letter
Fillable Printable Sample Stakeholder Letter

Sample Stakeholder Letter

Attachment B
Sample Letter to Stakeholders
Dear (Name of Person),
I would like to invite you to assist us in a new process to evaluate the capacity of
our local public health system to serve the needs of mothers, infants, children,
and adolescents in our county (city). The (county/city) Department of Public
Health, Maternal Child and Adolescent Health Program (MCAH), is taking the
leadership role in conducting this comprehensive assessment. We will explore
how our public, private, and non-profit organizations coordinate the delivery of
essential public health services. Our assessment, which must be completed by
June 30, 2009, will provide information to the California Department of Public
Health, MCAH Program, on our strengths and assets as well as gaps and needs
related to providing the essential public health services to the communities we
serve. You have been identified as a partner within our public health system,
providing services to women, children, adolescents, and their families or as a
recipient of these services. As a leader/expert, your input is invaluable to us
since the success of this process depends on your involvement and that of other
We want to know, from your perspective, how the system can better provide
MCAH public health services and how adequately the community’s/your needs
are being met in these areas. We also want to include input from our
stakeholders on what resources they have for providing essential public health
services and where our collective resources could result in a better service or
product that would be useful to all of us. Also, by participating in this process,
you can network with others to learn about health resources in the community
that may be of interest to you. There may also be opportunities for collaborating
with our MCAH Program in seeking outside funding to provide or enhance
important areas where we are lacking necessary resources.
Participating community members such as you will be assessing the capacity of
the local MCAH system, which includes public, private, and non-profit agencies in
the following areas to:
1. Assess and monitor the health status of the MCAH population to
identify and address problems.
2. Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards affecting
women, children, and youth.
3. Inform and educate the public and families about MCAH issues.
4. Mobilize community partnerships between policymakers, health care
providers, families, the general public, and others to identify and solve
MCAH problems.
5. Provide leadership for priority setting, planning, and policy
Attachment B
development to support community efforts to assure the health of the
women, children, youth, and their families.
6. Promote and enforce legal requirements that protect the health and
safety of women, children, and youth, and ensure public accountability
for their well-being.
7. Link women, children, and youth to health and other community and
family services, and assure access to comprehensive quality systems
of care.
8. Assure the capacity and competency of the public health and personal
health workforce to effectively and efficiently address MCAH needs.
9. Evaluate the effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal health
and population-based MCAH services.
10.Support research and demonstrations to gain new insights and
innovative solutions to MCAH-related problems.
The meetings will be held at ______. Parking is available at ____. We expect to
have about __ meetings lasting ___ at ___intervals. Meals/refreshments will be
If you agree to participate, please RSVP to this invitation on or before ______ by
calling me at ______ or emailing ____________. We will send you additional
materials to orient you to the process along with copies of the worksheets that we
will use to record your input. After completing the worksheets we will identify
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats to performing each function.
We will then prioritize areas for strengthening or building capacity and identify
partners and resources needed.
Please join us in this exciting new process that we hope will result in improved
services for our children and families. I thank you in advance and look forward to
collaborating with you in this important process.