Fillable Printable A farewell message from the Chair
Fillable Printable A farewell message from the Chair

A farewell message from the Chair

A farewell message from the Chair……..
My term as the Chair for 2013 has come to an end. The year has
gone by so quickly, it is hard to believe it is over. We had a really
busy year in 2013. We started the year off with an evening
meeting in February. We enjoyed Julia Hernandez’s presentation
on the Hair Care market. During the Cocktail hour we also had
poster presentations given by our 2012 scholarship honoree
Cendy Wang on“Petroleum-Free Structured Emulsion for Cosmetic Applications”. In March,
we hosted a full day event education day instructed by Randy Wickett on the topic of
“Advanced Skin Science”. We were able to offer this course free of charge to all SCC
members. The spring closed off with an evening meeting in May, at which Perry Romanowski
spoke on Skepticism and the Cosmetic Chemists. In July we had our 13
annual golf tourna-
ment which took place in Caledon Woods Golf Club. We had a wonderful turnout with 115
attendees! Special thanks go out to Gagan Jain and Craig Broijer for their time and effort in
organizing this grand event. And also we thank our good friend Wayne Fretz who took a great
series of pictures at the event. We started the fall off with our Annual Education Day which
drew close to 80 participants. This year’s topic was Scale Up and processing cosmetic
formulations instructed by David Yacko. Our last evening meeting was held in November with
Anna Howe from Evonik presenting on “Sensory Enhancement of Emulsions”. We closed the
year off with our Annual Holiday Dinner Dance on November 29
. We had 253 guests this
year, all of whom had a great evening filled with great food, music and lots of prizes.
Starting a new year as Chair is always exciting and you always wonder if it will be a success,
but this year truly was a great success. I could not have done this without the help of many
great people on the board. I would like to give a great thank you to our executive board
members: Andrea Boylan, Gary Baker, Monika Melao, Dorothy Maraprossians, Andy Halasz,
Rob Quinlan, Dennis Zuccolin, Rob Castillo, Catherine Blackhall, Gagan Jain, Shahin Kalantari,
Elizabeth Peitsis, Nadia Lunn, Kashif Mazhar, Mary Seifi and Vera Matovina.
Thanks Dennis Zuccolin for running our scholarship program and continuing to make im-
provements. Thanks Rob Quinlan for your time and effort for publishing our monthly
newsletter and thanks Gary Baker for your continued dedication as our Chapter Treasurer.
Special thanks go out to Dorothy Maraprossians, Andrea Boylan, Andy Halasz and Kashif
Mazhar for taking on the organization and preparation of our Holiday Dinner Dance!
Thank you to all the volunteers for being there when we needed them and who helped out
tirelessly throughout the year. As you see this Chapter is a work in progress and it takes many
people to make it work! I hope everybody has enjoyed the events and I hope to see you all in
2014 attending the many events planned for the year.
As Andrea Boylan takes over as the Chair for 2014, I believe she will do a phenomenal job and
I wish her much success!
Zohreh Fakhim