Fillable Printable Template of Gym Workout Plan
Fillable Printable Template of Gym Workout Plan
![Template of Gym Workout Plan](/resources/formfile/images/yum/gym-workout-plan-02.png)
Template of Gym Workout Plan
- 2 min. warm-up – Jump rope at a light pace
- Exercise 1
– 15 pushups. Rest 30 seconds. 20 pushups. Rest 30 seconds. 25 pushups. (Get on knees, if you need to, to finish)
- 9 pull-ups. Rest 30 seconds. 8 pull-ups. Rest 30 seconds. 7 pull-ups. (Use assisted pull up machine or chair for assistance)
- Bike at a fast pace for 2 minutes straight with light resistance.
- Exercise 2
– 25 pushups with feet elevated on a bench or stability ball. Rest 30 seconds. 20 pushups. Rest 30 seconds. 15 pushups. (Put legs on a
stability ball if needed to assist)
- 7 pull-ups. Rest 30 seconds. 8 pull-ups. Rest 30 seconds. 9 pull-ups. (Use assisted pull up machine or chair for assistance)
- Bike at a fast pace for 2 minutes straight with light resistance.
- Exercise 3
– 15 dumbbell flies on stability ball or bench. Rest 30 seconds. 20 dumbbell flies. Rest 30 seconds. 25 dumbbell flies
- 20 bent over dumbbell rows (2 hands at a time) while standing on one foot. Rest 30 seconds. 15 reps. Rest 30 seconds. 10 reps
- CORE – Plank for 30 seconds. Side plank for 30 seconds. Other side for 30 seconds. Repeat each 3 times.
- Stretch Chest and Back after workout. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds
-30 minutes of long slow distance cardio (Your choice of cardio equipment i.e. treadmill, elliptical, bike, stair stepper, etc.)
STRETCH - Stretch out legs after workout. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
- 2 min. warm up - High knees
- Exercise 1
– Wall sits against the wall. Make sure legs are parallel to the ground. Hold for 45 seconds.
- - Stand on one leg and do 20 reps of military dumbbell press. (10 on each leg)
- - Repeat these 3 times.
- Use the elliptical machine at a fast pace with light resistance for 2 minutes
- Exercise 2 - 30 seconds of fixed position lunges on each leg.
- - Stand on one leg and do 10 reps of side dumbbell raises. Stand on other leg and do 10 more
- - Repeat these 3 times.
Gym Workouts - Week's 5 & 6 Workout Plan
- Use the elliptical machine at a fast pace with light resistance for 2 minutes
- Exercise 3
- Do 30 seconds of step ups with no weights at a fast pace.
- Hand Step-Ups with Plank. (Get in pushup position in front of a small chair or bench that is up against a wall. Then for 30 seconds you
will put one hand on the seat of the chair followed by the other hand. Then put one hand down back on the ground followed by the
other, while your body remains straight.)
- Repeat these 3 times.
- CORE – Plank for 30 seconds. Side plank for 30 seconds. Other side for 30 seconds. Repeat each 3 times.
Get on all 4’s and simultaneously extend left leg and right arm until parallel with ground. Then bring in at the same time and try and touch knee to elbow and “crunch” your abs as you do that. Do 20 reps and then switch and do 20 more.
- Get on all 4’s and simultaneously extend left leg and right arm until parallel with ground. Then bring in at the same time and try and
touch knee to elbow and “crunch” your abs as you do that. Do 20 reps and then switch and do 20 more.
- Stretch legs and shoulder after workout. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
-30 minutes of long slow distance cardio (Your choice of cardio equipment i.e. treadmill, elliptical, bike, stair stepper, etc.)
STRETCH - Stretch out legs after workout. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.
BI’s & TRI’s
- 2 min. warm-up – Jump rope at a light pace
- Exercise 1
– 10 chinups (palms facing you). Rest 30 seconds. 9 chinups. Rest 30 seconds 8 chinups. (Use assisted machine or chair for assistance)
- 12 dips on a chair. Hold in the upright position for 12 seconds. 12 more reps. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 3 times.
- Exercise 2
– 8 chinups (palms facing you). Rest 30 seconds. 9 chinups. Rest 30 seconds 10 chinups. (Use assisted machine or chair for assistance)
- 12 dips on a chair. Hold in the upright position for 12 seconds. 12 more reps. Rest 60 seconds and repeat 3 times.
- Exercise 3
– 10 standing curls using light dumbbells. Rest 30 seconds. 15 standing curls. Rest 30 seconds. 20 standing curls.
- 20 dumbbell tricep kick backs. Stand in hunched over position with arms close to body. Keep from your elbows to your shoulders
parallel to ground. Extend elbows to wrist until arm is straight with dumbbell in hand. Do both arms at the same time. Rest 30
seconds. 15 dumbbell kick backs. Rest 30 seconds. 10 dumbbell kick backs.
- Finish with 8 min. of mountain climbers with hands on a bench.
- STRETCH - Stretch biceps and triceps after workout. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds