Fillable Printable HIIT Workout Plan
Fillable Printable HIIT Workout Plan

HIIT Workout Plan

Printable Workouts:
Tabata HIIT: Bring It Hard Workout!
Like any High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), the Tabata method is proven to
increase your resting metabolic rate due to post-exercise oxygen consumption
which helps you burn that extra fat like no other training system! All you need is a
few minutes and a strong mind to push you through these workouts since you will
need to give it your maximum effort for optimal results!
How to Do this Workout?
Warm-up for about 5 minutes before starting your workout
Set your timer to 8 intervals/cycles of each 20/10 seconds: 20 seconds for ultra-intense exercise
followed by 10 seconds of rest between each exercise. You can use the online Tabata Timer or
your Gymboss Interval Timer
Start with Circuit 1; complete 2 consecutive sets of the whole circuit; this will take you 4 minutes.
Take a short break (30-90 seconds)
Complete Circuits 2 & 3, following the same guidelines
The workout should take you 12 minutes without counting the short breaks between each circuit.
Cool-down and stretch
To view exercise directions & illustration visit:
Push as hard as you can during your 20 second intervals
Additional Tip: Allow your body to rest for 24-72 hours before doing another Tabata Training!

Warm-Up for 5 minutes
The Workout
Circuit 1
Burpee to Mountain Climber (ration1/10)
20 sec.
Single-Leg Deadlift
20 sec.
High Knees
20 sec.
V-Ups to Russian Twists (ration 1/2)
20 sec.
Take a short break
Circuit 2
Plank Jacks
20 sec.
Cross Knee Tuck to Hip Extension
20 sec.
Squat Jump
20 sec.
Pushup to Alternating side- Side Knee Tuck
20 sec.
Take a short break
Circuit 3
Reverse Lunge with Front Kick
20 sec.
Swiss Ball Db. Chest Press
20 sec.
Stationary Jump Lunge*
20 sec.
Swiss Ball Scissors
20 ec.
*Add a jump to each stationary lunge (not to be confused with split jump lunges. Once you are in the lunge position, you
stay in it and simply jump up and down keeping your legs in the same position; right leg forward, left leg back, v.v.).
Cool-down & Stretch
Enjoy the Workout Folks!