Fillable Printable Home Depot Application Form
Fillable Printable Home Depot Application Form

Home Depot Application Form

Personal Information:
o Name
o Address
o City, Province, Postal Code
o Phone Number
o Eligibility to Work in Canada
o Felony convictions
o If under age, working paper certificate
o Schools/Colleges Attended
o Major
o Degree/Diploma
o Graduation Dates(s)
Position Applied For Information:
o Title of the job you are applying for
o Hours/days available to work
o When you can start work
Employment Information:
o Names, addresses, phone numbers of previous employers

o Supervisor's name
o Dates of employment
o Salary
o Reason for Leaving
o List of three references - names, job title or relationship, addresses,
phone numbers
Resume (if you have one)
Tips for Completing Job Applications:
o Complete all requested information. Don't leave anything blank. If
you don't know the details, bring the application home and return it
when it's completed.
o Print clearly and neatly, using black or blue ink.
o Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Proofread your job
application form before turning it in.
o List your most recent job first when completing employment
o List your most recent education first. Include vocational schools
and training programs as well as college and high school.
o References don't necessarily have to be professional. If you have
volunteered you can use members of the organizations that you have
helped or if you are a student use your teachers. In all cases, ask for
permission prior to using the person for a reference.
Don't forget to sign your application!

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