Fillable Printable ID Theft Affidavit - Scottsdale of Arizona
Fillable Printable ID Theft Affidavit - Scottsdale of Arizona

ID Theft Affidavit - Scottsdale of Arizona

Name ______ __________ ______ Scottsdale Pol ice Department Report Number ___________________ Page 1
ID Theft Affidavit
My full legal name is ______________________________________________
Victim Information
1. My full legal name is ___________________________________________________________________
(First) (Middle) (Last) (Jr.,Sr., III)
2. (If different from above) When the events de scribed in this affidavit took place, I was kn
own as
(First) (Middle) (Last)
(Jr., Sr., III)
3. My date of birth is __________________________
4. My Social Security Num ber is ____________________________________
5. My driver’s license or identification ca
rd state a
nd number are__________________________
6. My current address is __________________________________________________________________
City_____________________________State_____________________Zip Code__________
7. I have lived at this address since ___________ ______________ _____
8. (If different from above) When the events de scrib
ed in this affidavit took pla
ce, my address
City__________________________________State_______________________Zip Code____________
9. I lived at the address in Item 8 from ____________until____________
(month/year) (month/year)
10. My daytime telephone number is ( ____)__________________ ______
My evening telephone number is (_____)________________________
How the Fraud Occurred
Check all that apply for items 11 – 17:
I did not author ize anyone t o use m y nam e or per sonal inf or m at ion t o seek the
m oney, cr edit , loans, goods or ser vices des cr ibed in t his r epor t .
I did not r eceive any benef it , m oney, goods or ser vices as a r esul t of t he event s descibed in
t his r epor t .

Name ______ __________ ______ Scottsdale Pol ice Department Report Number ________________________ Page 2
M y ident if icat ion docum ent s ( f or exam ple, cr edit car ds; bir t h cer t if icates; dr iver 's l icense;
Social Secur it y car d; et c. ) w er e:
stolen lost on or about ________________________________
To t he best of m y knowledge and bel ief , the f ol low ing per son( s) used m y inf or m at ion ( f or exam pl e, m y
nam e, addr ess, dat e of bir t h, exist ing account num ber s, Social Secur it y num ber , m ot her 's m aiden nam e,
et c.) or ident if icat ion docum ent s t o get m oney, cr edit , loans, goods or s er vices wit hout m y know ledge or
authori zation:
________________________________ ___________________________________
Name (if known) Name (if known)
________________________________ ___________________________________
Address (if known)
Address (if known)
________________________________ ___________________________________
Phone number(s) (if known) Phone numbe r(s) (if known)
________________________________ ___________________________________
Additional information Additional information
I do NO T know who used m y inf or m at ion or ident if ication docum ent s to get m oney, cr edit ,
loans, goods or ser vices w it hout m y knowl edge or aut hor izat ion
ddit ional com m ent s: ( For exam pl e, descr ipt ion of t he f r aud, which docum ent s or inf or m at ion
were u sed or h ow th e iden tity th eif gain ed access to y ou r in formation )
(Attach additional pages as ne cessary.)

Name ______ __________ ______ Scottsdale Pol ice Department Report Number _____________________ Page 3
Victim’s Law Enforcement Actions
17. (check only one)
I am w il ling t o assist in t he pr osecut ion of t he per son( s) who com m it t ed t his f r aud.
I am N OT w il ling t o ass ist in t he pr osecut ion of t he per son( s) who com m it t ed t his f r aud.
18. (check only one)
I am aut hor izing t he r el ease of this inf or m at ion t o l aw enf or cem ent f or the pur poses of as sist ing
t hem in t he invest igat ion and pr osecut ion of t he per son( s) who com m it t ed t his f r aud.
I am N OT aut hor izing t he r el ease of this inf or m at ion t o l aw enf or cem ent f or the pur poses of as sist ing
t hem in t he invest igat ion and pr osecut ion of t he per son( s) who com m it t ed t his f r aud.
19. (check all that apply) I
have have not reported the events d escribed in this affidavit to the police
or other law enforceme nt agency. The police
did did not write a report. In the event you have
contacted the police or other law enforcement agency please com plete the following information:
______________________________________ _________________________________________
y #1) (Officer/Age
ncy personnel taking report)
______________________________________ _________________________________________
(Date of Report) (Report number, if any)
______________________________________ __________________________________________
(Phone number) (email address, if any)
______________________________________ _________________________________________
y #2) (Officer/Age
ncy personnel taking report)
______________________________________ _________________________________________
(Date of Report) (Report number, if any)
______________________________________ __________________________________________
(Phone number) (email address, if any)
Documentation Checklist
Please indicate the supporting documentation you are able to provide to the comp
anies you plan notify.
Attach copies (NOT origin als) to the affidavit before sending it to the compa nie s.
copy of a valid gover nm ent - issued phot o- ident if icat ion car d ( f or exam ple, your dr iver 's license, s t at e-
issued ID car d, or your passpor t .) If you ar e under 16 and don't have a phot o- ID, you m ay subm it a copy of
your bir t h cer t if icat e or a copy of your of f icial sc hool r ecor ds showing your enr ol lm ent and pl ace of
Pr oof of r esidency dur ing t he t im e t he disput ed bil l occur r ed, t he l oan was m ade or t he ot her event t ook pl ace
( f or exam ple, a r ent al /l ease agr eem ent in your nam e, a copy of a ut il it y bil l or a copy of an insur ance bil l.

Name ______ __________ ______ Scottsdale Pol ice Department Report Number ________________________ Page 4
copy of the r epor t f il ed wit h t he pol ice or sher if f ' s depar t m ent . If you ar e unabl e t o obtain a r epor t or r epor t
num ber f r om t he pol ice, pl eas e indicat e that in It em 19. Som e com panies onl y need t he r epor t num ber , not a
copy of the r epor t . You m ay want t o check wit h each com pany.
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and beli
f, all the information on and attached to this
affidavit is true, correct, and complete and made in good faith. I also understand that this affidavit or the
information it contains may be made available to federal, state, and/or local law enforcement agencies for
such action within their juri sdiction as they deem appropriate. I understand that knowi ngly making any false
or fraudulent statement o r rep re sentatio n to the government may constitute a violation of 18 U.S.C. 1001 or
other federal, state or local criminal statutes, and may result in imposition of a fine or imprisonment or both
______________________________________ _____________________________________
(signature) (date signed)
[Check with each com pany. Creditors sometim es require nota
ization. If they do not, please h ave o ne
witness (non-relative) sign below that you completed and signed this affidavit.]
______________________________________ ___________________________________
(signature) (printed name)
______________________________________ ____________________________________
(date) (telephone number)

Name ______ __________ ______ Scottsdale Pol ice Department Report Number _____________________ Page 5
Fraudulent Account Statement
Completing the Statement
• Make as many copies of this page as you need. Complete a separate page for each
company you’re notifyin
g and only send it to that company. Include a copy of your
signed affidavit.
• List only the account(s) you’re disputing with the company receiving this form. See
the example below.
If a collection agency sent you a statement, letter or notice about the fraudulent
account, att
ach a copy of that docu
ment (NOT the original).
I declare (check all that apply):
As a r esul t of t he event ( s) descr ibed in t he ID Thef t Af f idavit , t he f oll owing account ( s) was/ wer e opened at
your com pany in m y nam e w it hout m y know ledge, per m ission or aut hor izat ion using m y per sonal inf or m at ion
or ident if ying docum ent s:
(the company that opened
the account or provided the
goods or services)
Type of unauthorized
Provided by creditor
If known)
Issued or
(if known)
(the amount charged or
the cost of the
Exampl e National Bank
22 Main Street
Columbus, OH 22722
Auto Loan
Dur ing t he t im e of t he accounds descr ibed above, I had t he f ol low ing account open w it h your com pany:
Billing name: ______________________________________ _____________________________
Billing address: ___________________________________________________
Account number: __ ______________________________________________________________