Fillable Printable Method Statement Template
Fillable Printable Method Statement Template

Method Statement Template

Method Statements
More and more contractors are being asked by their clients to produce a method statement
as part of their Health and Safety documentation or for larger projects, under the CDM
A Method Statement is a document detailing how a particular task or activity will be carried
out. It should detail the possible dangers/risks associated with your particular part of the
project and the methods of control to be established, to show how the work will be managed
Safety method statements
A method statement is, fundamentally, a written safe system of work, or series of safe
systems of work.
Method Statements are agreed between:
a client and principal contractor; or
a principal contractor and contractor,
and are produced where work with a foreseeable high hazard content is to be undertaken.
A method statement should specify the activities to be undertaken on a stage-by-stage
basis and the precautions necessary to protect site operators, the client's employees and
members of the public who could be affected by site activities. In certain cases, method
statements may be produced and agreed between a client and principal contractor for a
range of high risk activities prior to commencement of work.
What goes into a Method Statement?
Whilst there is no standard format for a method statement, the following aspects may need
working systems to be used;
arrangements for access e.g. to roofs;
methods for safeguarding existing structures;
structural stability precautions, e.g. temporary shoring arrangements;
arrangements for protecting the safety of members of the public;
plant and equipment to be used;
health protection arrangements, such as the use of local exhaust ventilation and
respiratory protection, where hazardous dusts and fumes could be created;
procedures to prevent local pollution;
segregation of specific areas; and
procedures to ensure compliance with legal requirements under, for instance, Control
of Noise at Work Regulations; Work at Height Regulations; Control of Lead at Work
Regulations; and Construction (Design and Management) Regulations.

The method statement may also incorporate information and specific requirements laid
down by clients, enforcement officers, the police, local fire authority, manufacturers and
suppliers of plant, equipment and substances and health and safety specialists. In certain
cases, the method statement may identify training needs for those carrying out the work and
the use of competent persons or specially-trained operators for certain activities.
What are Method Statements and how do I write them?
A method statement is a method of control that is used after a risk assessment of an
operation has been carried out. The method statement is always ‘Site Specific’ and is used
to control the operation and to ensure that all concerned are aware of the hazards
associated with the work and the safety precautions to be taken.
In addition, construction method statements are used on site. For a particular section of
similar work, they detail its boundaries, materials and plant requirements and temporary
works designs.
Method statements must be written by a competent person familiar with the work processes.
Method statements should also contain information concerning the order and method of
construction with reference to work procedures. On some sites they are in fact a contractual
requirement, requiring submission to the Principal contractor, client or engineer for approval
prior to the commencement of works.
How can Safety Services Direct Ltd Help?
We can analyse your working processes and write site specific or bespoke method
statements for your work to reduce the risks involved. You will then be able to comply with
the needs of your clients and current health and safety regulations, enabling you to
complete your works.
As part of your method statement preparation, we can also generate and append the
necessary risk assessments and COSHH assessments and present the whole document in
a professional format to help demonstrate the competence and professionalism of your