Fillable Printable Safe Work Method Statement Procedure
Fillable Printable Safe Work Method Statement Procedure

Safe Work Method Statement Procedure

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Procedure: Safe Work Method Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 3.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012

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Procedure: Safe Work Method Statements Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 2.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012
1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................................
2 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................
3 Generalrequirements ....................................................................................................................3
4 Definitions.......................................................................................................................................
5 Responsibilities ...............................................................................................................................
6 SafeWorkMethodStatementrequirements.................................................................................
6.1 Riskmanagement...................................................................................................................
6.2 Development..........................................................................................................................
6.3 Implementation......................................................................................................................
6.4 Accessibilityanddisplay.........................................................................................................
6.5 Recordsmanagement ............................................................................................................
6.6 ReviewofSWMS ....................................................................................................................
7 Relatedinformation........................................................................................................................
AppendixA Definitions....................................................................................................................
AppendixB SWMSProforma(mustbeusedinthedevelopmentofSWMS)...............................

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Procedure: Safe Work Method Statements Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 2.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012
1 Purpose
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is committed to providing a safe and healthy
workplace for all its workers and others. A safe and healthy working environment is the
right of every worker.
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that RMS’ managers and workers comply with
legislative requirements and adhere to its Work Health and Safety (WHS) standards.
It will also provide guidance to RMS staff in the effective development and use of Safe
Work Method Statements (SWMS).
2 Scope
This procedure covers all RMS workplaces and includes:
RMS workers, such as employees, contractors or subcontractors, an
employee of a contractor or subcontractor, labour hire, apprentices,
trainees, work experience students and volunteers
Other duty holders who carry out work for RMS or who are likely to be
directly affected by an RMS-related work health or safety issue
3 Generalrequirements
Managers must identify medium and high risk work activities that require the development
of a SWMS.
The purpose of a SWMS is to:
Outline a safe method of work for a specific activity
Provide an instructional document that staff must read and understand
before starting an activity
Meet legal requirements (i.e., assessing and controlling workplace
hazards and risks)
Provide evidence in auditing and inspection
Satisfy contractual requirements under NSW Government WHS

4 of 12
Procedure: Safe Work Method Statements Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 2.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012
4 Definitions
Definitions related to this procedure are specified in Appendix A.
5 Responsibilities
RMS through its
managers (from the
executive down to the
front line) must:
Ensure a safe and healthy work environment for all its staff
and others
Make sure that WHS responsibilities are appropriately
Provide RMS managers and workers with the training and
resources they need to carry out their WHS responsibilities
RMS managers
Implement this procedure
Ensure that SWMS are developed and maintained for
activities where there is a medium/high risk of injury
Make sure adequate resources are available
Ensure that SWMS are developed in consultation with
workers. Relevant frontline management must lead,
facilitate and participate in the work teams in developing
Ensure that all SWMS are kept on the Project File and/or
other local records
Monitor the policy for continuous improvement and
maintain reports on its performance by ensuring that the
SWMS Policy Audit Criteria is implemented on a timely
RMS workers must:
Comply with legislative requirements and RMS’ WHS
policies and procedures
be instructed in the relevant SWMS
sign a record that they have been instructed in the relevant
follow the procedures and controls in the SWMS
Other duty holders
(including contractors
and subcontractors)
Adhere to RMS’ WHS policies and procedures, as part of
their contract
Comply with reasonable WHS instructions given by RMS

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Procedure: Safe Work Method Statements Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 2.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012
Health and safety
(HSRs) must:
Work cooperatively with RMS
Carry out the role and functions of the HSR, in compliance
with WHS legislation
Provide workers’ feedback on workplace hazards and
working conditions to RMS
Health and safety
committee members
Work cooperatively with RMS
Perform the role and functions of the H&S committee
members, in compliance with WHS legislation
Provide RMS with workers’ feedback on any workplace
6 SafeWorkMethodStatementrequirements
6.1 Riskmanagement
A SWMS is a documented list of the steps for a task/activity and provides workers
and others with a system for doing their work safely. The implementation of the
SWMS relies on the individual to follow the requirements as set out in the
document. Therefore a procedure can be regarded as an administrative control
type and should only be adopted once all other types of controls, such as
elimination, substitution, isolation and engineering, have been considered.
A SWMS should be developed, once it is identified as:
An action arising from an incident investigation or hazard report, and/or;
A control measure in a risk assessment.
Further information can be found in the Risk Management and Systemic Safety
Investigation procedures.
NOTE: High Risk Construction Work
A SWMS must be prepared for high risk construction BEFORE work commences.
Please refer to ‘Definitions’ (Appendix A) for classification of High Risk
Construction Work.
The SWMS must take into account all circumstances that may affect the way in
which the high risk construction work is carried out and also
the WHS
management plan, if conducted as part of a project. Those responsible for the
work site must ensure that high risk construction work is carried out in
accordance with the SWMS for the work.

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Procedure: Safe Work Method Statements Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 2.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012
If any person finds that high risk construction work is not being carried out as per
the SWMS, then that person must:
1. stop the work immediately or as soon as it is safe to do so, and
2. resume work only in accordance with the SWMS
6.2 Development
SWMS should be developed in consultation and cooperation with the workers
undertaking the activity. Consultation and cooperation will also ensure that
hazards and controls are appropriately identified.
WHS Committee or Health and Safety Representatives for that team/workgroup
shall assist, where practical, in the development of the SWMS
The following steps should be followed to ensure that a proper SWMS is
Observe the task/activities: Although workers might have
knowledge/understanding of the task/activity, it is important to observe the
task/activity being performed the preferred way, to ensure the safest
method is documented.
Review associated legislative requirements: Some task/activities are
governed by legislative requirements. These must be considered when
developing a SWMS to ensure any legal requirements are included. If the
task/activity uses any hazardous substance/s or dangerous good/s the
SWMS must reference the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for each
hazardous substance or dangerous good.
Record the sequence of basic job steps: Assemble the steps involved in
the activity and then write down the ones that make up the task/activity.
Record potential hazards of each step: Next to each step identify what
may have potential to cause injury or illness (to those doing the work or to
anyone else nearby), damage to the environment, property, plant or
Identify ways of eliminating and controlling the hazards: For each
identified hazard, list the measures that need to be put in place to
eliminate or control any likely risk occurring.
Test the procedure: Observe the workers or others following the SWMS
and adjust the procedure as necessary.
Monitor and review: Make sure the activity is supervised to ensure the
documented process is being followed.

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Procedure: Safe Work Method Statements Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 2.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012
6.3 Implementation
Once the SWMS has been approved it is then implemented and available for use.
All workers will be inducted and must sign the SWMS before commencing work.
The finalised copy must be kept within the workplace and be available for use. A
copy should be with RMS staff at all times when undertaking the activities
described in the SWMS.
6.4 Accessibilityanddisplay
SWMS should be physically displayed prominently or readily available in the
areas in which they are to be used.
6.5 Recordsmanagement
The development of SWMS needs to be done by using the SWMS template
attached or to an equivalent standard. SWMS shall be retained locally for future
reference and maintained for auditing/verification purposes.
SWMS records are to be maintained as follows:
The manager is responsible for ensuring that all SWMS are kept on the
Project File and/or other local records
Record of induction into the SWMS must be maintained
When developing a SWMS that involves hazardous substances or a traffic
control plan, the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and Traffic Control Plan
TCP) must be attached to the SWMS
6.6 ReviewofSWMS
SWMS shall be regularly reviewed to make sure they remain effective. You must
review your control measures and, if necessary, revise them:
After an incident or near-miss (control measure was not effective in
controlling the risk)
If there is a change of supervisors, workers, designers or engineers
If the task/activity changes
When a new hazard or risk is identified
If the results of consultation indicate that a review is necessary, or if a
health and safety representative requests a review
Where a known risk exists (such as industry incidents like utility strikes,
plant rollover etc)
Where the equipment or plant used in the SWMS changes
If there is a change to legislation, standards or codes of practice

8 of 12
Procedure: Safe Work Method Statements Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 2.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012
All SWMS should be reviewed annually, in consultation with all RMS workers.
7 Relatedinformation
Code of Practice: How to Manage Work Health and Safety Risks;
Construction Work
NSW Government WHS&R Management System Guidelines
RMS QA Specification G22 WHS
WorkCover Guidelines for Writing Work Method Statements in Plain
WHS Act 2011 (including: 46-48 Consult, cooperate and coordinate with
WHS 2011 Regulations:
32-38 Manage Risks
38 Review controls
289 Construction work
291 High Risk Construction Work
299 SWMS required for High Risk Work
300 PCBU Must ensure SWMS implemented
309 – Requirement for WHS Plan on Construction ≥ $250,000
39 – provide information, instruction, supervision, & suitable to
44-46 PPE requirements

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Procedure: Safe Work Method Statements Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 2.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012
AppendixA Definitions
A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause injury or disease to
people, damage to the environment, property, plant or equipment.
The likelihood that a hazard will result in injury, illness, loss or damage to
people, to the environment, property, plant or equipment and the potential
consequences of that injury, illness, loss or damage.
Risk control
Methods used to manage the risk to an acceptable level by applying the
hierarchy of control. Always try to eliminate risk in the first instance
Safe Work Method
Statement (SWMS)
A procedure which describes how work is to be carried out in a safe and
standardised process. A SWMS outlines the hazards, risks and
associated control measures to be applied to ensure the task/activity is
conducted in a safe and injury-free way.
Medium/High risk Work
Any work undertaken by RMS business units that exposures workers to
medium and high risk hazard exposures
High risk construction
High risk construction work is defined as construction work that:
Involves a risk of a person falling more than 2 metres (for
example when a worker is installing an evaporative cooler on the
roof of a double-storey building).
Is carried out on a telecommunications tower (for example
installing equipment on.a telecommunications tower).
Involves demolition of an element of a structure that is load-
bearing or otherwise related to the physical integrity of the
structure (for example knocking down load-bearing walls as part
of a warehouse conversion).
Involves, or is likely to involve, the disturbance of asbestos (for
example removing floor tiles containing asbestos as part of a
building refurbishment or cutting or drilling into an asbestos
cement sheet wall).
Involves structural alterations or repairs that require temporary
support to prevent collapse (for example using props to support a
ceiling where a load-bearing wall will be removed).
Is carried out in or near a confined space
Is carried out in or near a shaft or trench with an excavated depth
greater than 1.5 metres or is carried out in or near a tunnel (for
example laying or repairing pipes and conduits in a 2-metre
trench, testing drainage pipes in a 2-metre trench, building a
tunnel in the course of constructing an underground railway or
Involves the use of explosives (for example, blasting in
preparation for the construction of a building or road, breaking up
rock during construction of foundations).
Is carried out on or near:
o pressurised gas distribution mains or piping

10 of 12
Procedure: Safe Work Method Statements Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 2.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012
o chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines
o energised electrical installations or services
(‘Near’ in the above circumstances means close enough that
there is a risk of hitting or puncturing the mains, piping, electrical
installation or service).
NB - High-risk construction work is not limited to electrical safety
‘no-go zones’. Electrical installations do not include power leads
and electrically powered tools. Some examples of high-risk
construction work include working near overhead or underground
powerlines and construction work that involves drilling into a wall
where live electrical wiring may be present.
Is carried out in an area that may have a contaminated or
flammable atmosphere (for example demolishing a petrol station
and removing old tanks, decommissioning plant and removing
pipe work that may contain residue of hazardous chemicals).
Involves tilt-up or precast concrete (for example building a factory
using tilt-up panels or installing a precast drainage pit).
Is carried out on, in or adjacent to a road, railway, shipping lane
or other traffic corridor that is in use by traffic other than
pedestrians (for example building an additional lane on a road or
installing drainage that involves digging up part of the road).
Is carried out in an area at a workplace in which there is
movement of powered mobile plant (for example working in an
area of a construction site that is not isolated from the movement
of skid steer loaders, telehandlers, backhoes, mobile cranes or
Is carried out in an area in which there are artificial extremes of
temperature (for example construction work in an operating cool
room or freezer or construction work alongside an operating
Is carried out in or near water or other liquid that involves a risk of
drowning (for example constructing a bridge over a river or
restoring a wharf), or
Constru ction work
Defined as any work carried out in connection with the construction,
alteration, conversion, fitting-out, commissioning, renovation, repair,
maintenance, refurbishment, demolition, decommissioning or dismantling
of a structure.

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Office Location:
I approve the use of this Safe Work Method
Name: Position:
Signature: Date:
Local Reference No:
(SWMS) Activity Guide(s) used:
Description of Activ i ty:
Critical Steps in this Activity: Potential
Safety Controls:
Procedure: Safe Work Method Statements Effective date: 12-12-2012
Version: 2.0 Approved by: Stephen Barton, General Manager, WHS
Last updated: 12-12-2012