Fillable Printable Sample Business Continuity Plan Template
Fillable Printable Sample Business Continuity Plan Template

Sample Business Continuity Plan Template

The purpose of this plan is to define the recovery process developed to restore [your
compnay]’s critical business functions. The plan components detail [your compnay]’s
procedures for responding to an emergency situation, which affects [your

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compnay]’s ability to deliver core services to our customers or our ability to meet
investors, legal or regulatory requirements.
Objectives of the Plan
Facilitate timely recovery of core business functions
Protect the well being of our employees, their families and customers
Minimize loss of revenue/customers
Maintain public image and reputation
Minimize loss of data
Minimize the critical decisions to be made in a time of crisis
The following Business Contingency Plan and all related procedures are approved by
the president and senior management of [your compnay] effective the date signed
__________________________ _______________
Name – Title Date
___________________________ _______________
Name – Title Date

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PREFACE .................................................................................................. 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. 3
RECOVERY STRATEGIES ............................................................................. 4
BUSINESS CONTINGENCY PLANNING TEAM .................................................. 5
OFFSITE DATA STORAGE ............................................................................ 6
VENDOR READINESS PLAN ......................................................................... 7
COMMUNICATIONS .................................................................................... 8
TEMPORARY FACILITIES ............................................................................ 9
PROPERTY PROTECTION ............................................................................. 10
FIRE HAZARDS .................................................................................... 10
HAZARDOUS MATERIAL HANDLING ........................................................ 11
FACILITY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES ...................................................... 12
INSURANCE ............................................................................................. 13
SITE MAP DOCUMENTATION ....................................................................... 14
PLAN ACTIVATION ..................................................................................... 15
EMERGENCY ALERT .............................................................................. 15
DAMAGE ASSESSMENT ......................................................................... 15
RESUMING OPERATIONS ............................................................................ 16
TRAINING ................................................................................................ 17
APPENDICES ............................................................................................. 18 - 34
VULNERABILITY ANALYSIS CHART ......................................................... 19
CORE FUNCTION REVIEW WORKSHEET .................................................. 21
DISASTER DECLARATION PROCEDURES ................................................. 23
DISASTER PROCEDURES CHECKLIST ..................................................... 25
NOTIFICATION SCRIPTS ....................................................................... 27
EMERGENCY CONTACTS INFORMATION SHEET ........................................ 30
TRAINING DRILLS & EXERCISES ............................................................ 32
ANNUAL AUDIT .................................................................................... 34

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Recovery strategies identified for [your compnay]’s equipment and services:
Business functions will be recovered in priority sequence based upon
the classification of the function as agreed with business senior
management and implemented jointly.
Communications concerning the recovery status will be coordinated
through the Business Contingency Planning Team so that those
executing the recovery will not be interrupted repeatedly for status.
Purchase and acquisition of equipment and supplies needed for the
recovery effort will be coordinated through company Department
The contingency planning infrastructure will provide for coordination of
travel arrangements, food and accommodations for individuals
supporting the recovery effort.
Non-critical [your compnay] functions, such as Development and Test
environments, will be cleared without backup as necessary to support
the recovery efforts.
[your compnay] personnel from other sites may be called in to support
the recovery efforts.

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The following individuals are designated plan coordinators for their respective
departments and are responsible for the execution of this plan in a qualified disaster.
Plan Coordinator
Sr. Management
Line Management
Human Resources
Safety Director
Community Relations

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Backup data facilities have been identified at the follow location:
Name of company:
Main contact:
Phone number:
Email address:
Street address:
State and zip:
The identified location of the backup site will be accessible for a minimum period of
six (6) weeks from initial date of occupancy after disaster declaration. It will be
available for 24-hour access and retrieval and be protected by: security, fire
suppression, water detectors, heating, air and ventilation.
[your compnay] will have access to the backup site facility within [ x ] hours after
notification and guaranteed occupancy shall be at least six (6) weeks.
This storage facility will be reviewed for effectiveness annually. Storage facilities for
electronic documentation to be considered via MyWavePortal® - provided to [your
compnay] by [b_officialname].
Offsite storage process will include, but is not limited to, the following. All
documentation of importance to the operations of [your compnay] will be stored via
this backup site.
Backup Tapes - Weekly tape backups of ALL your disk files. These
include: mainframe, mid-range, servers and PCs ( mandatory and with at
least two generations)
System, program product, and in-house developed software manuals and
Legal - Copies of contracts, leases, legal and critical correspondences
Insurance – Policies, riders, and addendums
Financial - General and private ledgers, year end financial statements, tax
returns, bank records
Recovery Plans - A complete set
Assets - Complete fixed asset listings
Referenced Items - Copies of any item referenced within your recovery
team plans
Floor plans
Architectural drawings that should include mechanical plans
Photos of facility and various work areas
Other critical documents or data critical to the operation of your business

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[your compnay] relies on vendors to provide us certain equipment, supplies,
materials, goods or services. Some of these vendors are considered more critical
than others.
To minimize our potential exposure to a disruption by our vendor(s), there are
several steps provided to take in advance:
1. [your compnay] will avoid a single source (sole source) provider of any
equipment, supplies, materials, goods or services. That is, [your compnay]
will always have at least two vendors that can provide each of our critical
goods and services required to support our business.
Key vendors identified: (list key vendors and backup vendors)
Main Contact
[your compnay] will request that the vendor complete the survey and return it to our
attention within 30 days.
When the survey is returned, review the responses:
A. If the vendor indicates that they have a plan,
i. Request a copy of the section that addresses their ability to recover
the processes that delivers the equipment, supplies, materials, goods
or services you use.
ii. If the vendor declines to provide you with a copy, request additional
iii. If the vendor does not provide the additional information, [your
compnay] will contact the appropriate backup vendor.

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Communications are key within [your compnay]’s business environment. A three-prong approach
will be utilized:
1) Key [your compnay] personnel call list
2) Identified vendor for offsite call center operations
3) Identified vendor for recovery of communications and equipment repair/replacement
Key personnel cellular phone contact list:
Home #
Cellular #
Provided vendors will supply offsite call center capabilities to handle incoming calls. This offsite
communications facility will be reviewed for effectiveness annually.
Vendor Name: Main Contact:
Phone: Cellular Phone Number:
Email address:
Street address:
State and Zip:
Provided vendors will provide communication recovery establishing a new core communications
center and equipment. This communication recovery vendor will be reviewed for effectiveness
Vendor Name: Main Contact:
Phone: Cellular Phone Number:
Email address:
Street address:
State and Zip:
A current copy of this plan will be stored on MyWavePortal® provided to [your compnay] by
[b_officialname]. Please contact [bc_fname] [bc_lname] at [b_commonname], [b_phone], for

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An offsite business operations center has been predetermined where members of the
various business contingency teams and other [your compnay] personnel will
assemble immediately after they receive notification.
Access to this facility is controlled by the members of the Business Contingency
Planning Team.
The offsite business operations center is located at:
Building name:
Street address:
State and zip:
Directions to the facility:
This offsite business operations center contains:
Phones/facsimile and circuits
Internet capabilities
PCs for documentation, letters and cc:Mail
Work area space
Portable generator
Normal business type supplies
Emergency supplies, including bottled water
Basic set of tools
Coordination with hot and cold sites for Information Systems
Telephone forwarding mechanisms
The identified location of the temporary facilities will be accessible for an extended
period of time. [your compnay] will have access to the facility when it is determined
that normal business operations will be non-functional for an extended period of
time. The facility must be made available within twenty-four (24) hours after [your
compnay] provides written or verbal notice to vendor of intent to occupy the facility,
and guaranteed occupancy shall be at least twelve (12) months.

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Protecting facilities, equipment and vital records is essential to restoring [your
compnay]’s operations once an emergency has occurred.
Only members of the Business Contingency Planning team will authorize, supervise
and perform a facility shutdown.
Employees will be trained to recognize when to abandon the effort.
The forthcoming procedures will be followed as a course of action for the stated
emergency. Best judgment is to be used as unique factors surround any emergency
Fire Hazards
The following materials have been identified that could cause or fuel a fire:
MSDS Sheet
Fire safety information will be distributed to employees: how to prevent fires in the
workplace, how to contain a fire, how to evacuate the facility, where to report a fire.
Maps of evacuation routes will be posted in prominent places.
Smoke detectors will be checked for proper operation once per month. And batteries
will be replaced every 6 months.

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Hazardous Material Handling
Hazardous materials are substances that are flammable or combustible, explosive,
toxic, noxious, corrosive, oxidizable, an irritant or radioactive. A hazardous material
spill or release can pose a risk to life, health or property. An incident can result in the
evacuation of a few people, a section of a facility or an entire neighborhood.
Identify and label all hazardous materials stored, handled, produced and disposed of
by your facility. Follow government regulations that apply to your facility. Material
safety data sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous materials at your location will be stored
on the MyWave®Portal.
Hazardous Material Handling Plan
Below procedures confirm procedures to notify management and emergency
response organizations of an incident.
(insert notification procedures)
Establish procedures to warn employees of an incident.
(insert procedures to warn employees)
Establish evacuation procedures.
(insert emergency evacuation plan)
List government agencies required to be notified of a hazardous materials spill
(insert government agency phone numbers and contact names)
[your compnay] has identified the below vendors for hazardous material containment
and clean up. Vendor effectiveness will be reviewed annually.
Main Contact