Fillable Printable Standard Stock Transfer Form
Fillable Printable Standard Stock Transfer Form

Standard Stock Transfer Form

(abo ve this line for Registra rs only)
Cer tificat e lodged with the Registrar
Consideration Money £
(For completion by the Registrar/Stock Exchange)
Name of
Description of
Words Figures
In the name(s) of
I/We hereby transfer the above security out of the name(s) aforesaid to the person(s) named
below or to the several persons named in Parts 2 of Brokers Transfer forms relating to the
above security:
Delete wo r ds in it alics except for sto ck exchange transactions.
Signature(s) of trans feror(s)
1. ........................................................................................................................................
2. ........................................................................................................................................
3. ........................................................................................................................................
4. ........................................................................................................................................
Bo dies cor p orate should execute under their co mmon seal.
Stamp of Selling Broker(s) or, for transactions
which are not stock exchange transactions, of
Agent(s), if any, ac ting for the Transferor(s).
I/We request that such entries be made in the register as are necessary to give effect to this transfer.
Stamp of Buying Broker(s) if any Stamp or name and address of person lodging this form
if othe r than the B uying B r ok er ( s)
Number or amount of
Shares , Stock or other
security and, in figures
c olumn only, numbe r
and denominations of
units, if any
Name(s) of registered
holder(s) should be
give n in full; the
address should be given
where there is only one
If the transfer is not
made by the registered
hold e r(s ) insert also the
name(s) and capacity
(e. g., Executor(s)), of
the pers on(s) making
the transfer.
Full name(s) and full postal address
(es) (including County or, if
applicable, Post al Distr ict number)
of the perso n(s) to whom t he
security is t r ansferr ed.
Please stat e title, if any, or whet her
Mr., Mr s. or Miss.
Please complete in type writing or in
Blo ck Capit als.

Th e security repr esen ted b y t he tran sfer overl eaf ha s b een s o ld as fo llows: —
Shares/Stock Shares/Stock
Shares/Stock Shares/Stock
Shares/Stock Shares/Stock
Shares/Stock Shares/Stock
Balance (if any) due to Selling Broker(s)
Amount of Certificate(s)
Brok ers Transfer Forms for above amount certified
Stamp of certifying Stock Exchange Stamp of Selling Brokers(s)
Instru ments executed o n o r after 1
May 1987 effecting any t r ansactio ns wit hin the following cat egories ar e exempt from st amp duty: -
A. The vesting of property subject to trust in the trustees of the trust on the appointment of a new trustee, or in the continuing trustees on the retirement of a trustee.
B . The con veyan ce or transfer of property th e subject of a specific devise or legacy to the beneficiary named in the will (or his nominee ). Tran sfers in satis f action of a ge neral legacy of money sh ould n ot be in cluded in
t his cat egor y (see cat egory D belo w)
C. The co nveyance or tr ansfer of proper ty which for ms part o f an intest ate’s estate to the person entit led on intestacy (or his nominee). Transfers in sat isfact ion of the tr ansfer ees ent it lement to cash in the estate o f an
intestate, where t he t otal value of the residuary est ate exceeds that sum, should not be included in t his catego r y (see cat egory D below).
D. The appro pr iation of proper ty within sect io n 84(4) of the finance Act 1985 ( death: appro pr iation in sat isfaction of a general legacy of money) or section 84(5) or (7 ) of that Act ( death: appro pr iation in satisfaction of
any inte r e st of surviving spou se a nd in Scotland also of any inter est of issue ).
E. The conveyance o r transfer of pr oper ty which forms part o f the residuary est ate of a beneficiary (or his nominee) ent it led s olely b y v irtue of his entitlement un de r th e will.
F. The conveyance o r transfer of pr oper ty out of a sett lement in or towards sat isfactio n of a beneficiar y’s interest acquir ed for mone y or mone y’s worth, being conveyanc e or transfer c onstituting a distr ibutio n of
property in accordance with the provisio ns of the settlement.
G. The conveyance o r transfer of pr oper ty on and in consider ation only o f mar r iage to a par ty t o the marriage (or his nominee) or to trustees to be held on the terms of a settlement made in consideration only of the
marr iage. A t r ansfer to a spo use aft er the date of marriage is no t within this cat egory, unless made pursuant to an ante-nupt ial contract.
H. The conveyance of a tr ansfer or pr operty within sect ion 83(1) o f the Finance Act 1985 ( tr ansfers in co nnect ion with divor ce etc.) .
I. The conveyance or transfer by t he liquidato r of proper ty which formed part o f the asset s of the company in liquidation to a shareho lder of t hat comp any (or his nominee) in or towards satisfaction of the shareholder’s
right ’s on a winding-up.
J. The grant is fee simple of an easement in or over land for no consideratio n in mo ney or money’s wo r th.
K. The grant of a servitude for no consider atio n in mo ney o r money’s worth.
L. T he conveyance o r transfer of pr oper ty oper ating as a volunt ar y disposition inter vivos fo r no consider atio n in mo ney or money’s worth nor any consideratio n refer r ed to in section 57 of t he St amp Act 1891
(conveyance in consideration of a debt etc. ) .
M. The conveyance or transfer of proper ty by an inst r ument within sect ion 84(1) o f the Finance Act 1985 (death: varying dispo sition).
(1) “I” or “We”. (1) hereby certify that the tr ansaction in respect of which t his transfer is made is one which falls within t he cat egor y (2) above. (1) confirm
t hat ( 1) have been duly aut ho r ised by the tr ansferor to sign this certificat e and t hat the facts o f the tr ansact io n are within (3) kno wledge (4)
(2) Insert appropriate
Signature(s) Descri p tio n (“Tra n sfe ro r” , “S o l i c i t o r” , et c .)
(1) I f the above cert ificate has been co mpleted, this t r ansfer does not need to be submitted t o the Contr oller of Stamps but should be sen t directly to th e C ompany or its Regis trars.
(2) I f the above certificate is not completed, this t r ansfer must be sumbitted t o the Contr oller of Stamps and duly stamped (See belo w) .
Instruments of transfer, other than those of respect of which the above certificate has been completed, are liable to a fixed duty of £5.00 when the transactions falls within one of the following
categories: -
(a) Transfer by way of security for a loan or re-trans fer to the original transferor on repayment of a loan.
(b) Transfer, not on sale and not aris ing under any contract of sale and where no beneficial interest in the property passes: (I) to a pe rson who is a me re nominee of, and is nomina te d only b y,
th e t ra nsfer or ; (ii) from a mere no minee who ha s at a ll times held the p ro pe rt y on b ehalf of the transfer ee; ( iii) from one no minee of the same beneficial owner where the first nominee has at all
times held the property on behalf of that beneficial owner. (NOTE - This category does not include a transfer made in any of the follo w ing c ircums tances : (I) by a holder o f sto c k, etc ., follow ing
the grant of an option to purchase the stock, to the person entitled to the option or his nominee; (ii) to a nominee in contemplation of a contract for the sale of the stock, etc., then about to be
e ntered into ; ( iii) fro m the no minee of a vendo r , who has inst ructed t he no mine e o ra lly or by so me unstampe d w rit ing t o hold st oc k , e t c . in trust for a purchaser, to s uch purchase r. )
(1) hereby certify that the transaction in respect of which this transfer is made is one which falls within the category
(2) above.
Date 20
Transferors Transferees
NOTE — T he above cert ificate should be signed either by all the tr ansfer ors and tr ansfer ees, or a member o f a St ock Exchange or a Solicitor acting fo r one or ot her of the parties, or an accredited r epr esentative o f a bank. I n
o ther cases the cert ificate should be signed by a Solicit or or other perso n (e.g . a bank acting as a t r ustee o r execut or) having full knowledge o f the facts.
(1) “I” or “We”
(2) Insert “(a)” or b)”
(3) Here set out concisely
t he facts explaining the
transacti on.
Adjudication may be
(3) “My” or “Our”.
(4) Delete seco nd sentence if t he
certificat e is given by the
tra nsfer or or his solicito r.