Fillable Printable Stock Transfer Format
Fillable Printable Stock Transfer Format

Stock Transfer Format

11SRMB P01
How to complete this form
You should use the attached form if you wish to transfer shares you hold in certifi cated form to another person or persons.
Some types of transfer are liable to HM Revenue and Customs Stamp Duty. If the transfer is liable to Stamp Duty, the completed form will need to be
submitted to the HM Revenue and Customs Stamp Duty Offi ce in Birmingham fi rst (see over for address).
Any queries regarding the payment of Stamp Duty should be directed to the Stamp Offi ce Helpline on 0845 603 0135.
Please read the following instructions carefully before completing the form. The numbers below relate to the attached form.
1) Consideration Money:
Consideration Nil: If the consideration money paid for the transfer is Nil there will be no Stamp Duty payable; however, section 9 does need to be
completed. Please complete section 1- 9 of the form. Please write “Nil” in section 1.
Consideration paid - Under £1000: If the consideration money paid for the transfer is between 1p and £1000 then sections 1 - 9 need to be completed.
Please write the amount paid in section 1
Consideration paid - Over £1000: If the consideration money paid for the transfer is above £1000 then Stamp Duty needs to be paid and sections
1 - 8 need to be completed. Please write the amount paid in section 1
If you are unsure about Stamp Duty please see the exemptions below or contact the Stamp Duty offi ce.
Shares that you receive as a gift
Shares that someone leaves to you in their Will
Shares held in trust that are transferred from one trustee to another
Shares that are transferred when you get divorced, or when your civil partnership is dissolved
Transfer of shares that a liquidator makes as settlement to Shareholders when a business is wound up
Transfer of shares where the consideration money paid is less than £1000
2) Full Name of the Undertaking:
This is the name of the Company in which the shares are held. This form can only be used in relation to the company whose name is printed here.
3) Full Description of Security:
You must enter the type of shares to be transferred in the box provided (for example, Ordinary shares of 20p). Details can be found on the
share certifi cate.
4) Amount of Shares to be Transferred:
You must write in the number of shares you wish to transfer, in fi gures and in words.
Kindly Note: This form is issued only to the addressee(s) and is specifi c to the unique designated account printed hereon. This personalised form is
not transferable between different (i) account holders; or (ii) uniquely designated accounts. The Company and Computershare Investor Services PLC
accept no liability for any instruction that does not comply with these conditions.
Stock Transfer form (for Certifi cated holders)
Shareholder Reference Number
Computershare Investor Services PLC
The Pavilions
Bridgwater Road
Bristol BS99 6ZZ
Telelphone 0870 702 0000
Textphone 0870 702 0005
DX 78139 Bristol

11SRMB P01
5) Transferor(s) Details:
This box should contain the names of all the current shareholders, the address of the fi rst-named holder and the account designation (if any).
If the transferor is deceased, the names of all the executors should also be shown.
If any of the details shown in this box are incorrect, you should contact the Shareholder Helpline number shown on the top of this form for
further advice.
6) Signature(s) of Transferor(s) :
Joint Holding: Where the holding is registered in more than one name, all holders must sign.
Power of Attorney: To sign under Power of Attorney, you must have already lodged an original or certifi ed copy of the Power of Attorney
with Computershare Investor Services PLC. If you have not previously lodged this document for notation, please attach it to this form when
you return it.
All certified copies of a Power of Attorney must be certified under the Powers of Attorney Act 1971. The document must be
certifi ed in ink on every page by the donor, or by a solicitor or stockbroker, to state that it is a true and complete copy of the original.
Computershare Investor Services PLC cannot accept a photocopy that has not been certifi ed in ink on every page.
Companies: The form should be signed by two authorised signatories of the Company, whose representative capacity (e.g. Director and
Company Secretary) must be stated. Alternatively, Computershare Investor Services PLC will accept just one authorised signature; however,
the signatory’s capacity must be stated and the form must be impressed with the Company Seal.
Date: Enter the date the transfer was signed by the transferor.
7) Transferee(s) Details – Enter the full name(s) of the person(s) to whom the security is to be transferred. The full postal address (including
post code) of the fi rst named shareholder must also be provided. All correspondence will be sent to the fi rst named shareholder.
A/C Designation: If applicable/required, please enter the new account designation, up to a maximum of eight characters. Please note this
cannot comprise of a name, or indicate a trust.
Shareholder Reference Number (SRN): If the transferee(s) already holds shares in this company, please quote the SRN to which the
shares should be transferred. This can be found on any share certifi cate or tax voucher issued in relation to their current holding.
Note: For legal reasons, it is best practice for holdings not to be registered in the names of minors (persons under the age of 18 in England
& Wales or 16 in Scotland) but rather registered in the name of a parent or guardian with a suitable designation, preferably the initials of the
minor. The subsequent transfer or sale of shares registered in the name of a minor may require further legal documentation and accordingly
you may wish to seek legal advice in that regard prior to the transfer of shares to a minor.
8) New Share Certifi cate:
The new share certifi cate will be sent to the fi rst-named transferee unless an alternative name and address is entered in section 8.
Reverse of the Stock Transfer form
9) Form of certifi cation required where transfer is exempt from ad valorem Stamp Duty as below threshold. If consideration is paid in
connection with the transfer of between 1p and £1000, then section 9 must be completed to certify that the transaction does not form part of
a larger transaction or series of transactions that would incur a Stamp Duty liability. Failure to complete section 9 in these circumstances
will cause the transfer to be rejected. If the transfer is liable to Stamp Duty, the completed Stock Transfer form must be submitted to the
Stamp Offi ce. Please see the reverse of the form for details.
Computershare Investor Services PLC is Registered in England & Wales, No 3498808, Registered Offi ce, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS13 8AE
Computershare Investor Services PLC is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Registered Offi ce: 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HS
Please return the Stock Transfer form to: Computershare Investor Services PLC, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 6ZZ
Check List
Before you return this form, please check that you have completed the following actions: ✓ Tick Box
You have entered the amount of consideration money (if not applicable please enter NIL - if left blank your form may be rejected)
You have entered the class of stock and the number of shares to be transferred
All the shareholders have signed stating their capacity (if applicable) and initialling any amendments made on the form
You have entered the name(s) of all the transferees and the address of the fi rst-named transferee
You have entered a third-party address to which the share certifi cate should be sent (if applicable)
You have done one of the following:
a) Paid the necessary Stamp Duty and if required had the form stamped accordingly by the Stamp Offi ce or
b) Completed section 9 to indicate the transfer is exempt from Stamp Duty
c) If there is nil consideration in connection with the transfer, write NIL in part 1 of the form and complete section 9.
You have enclosed all valid share certifi cates totalling the amount of shares being transferred
You have enclosed a Nationality Declaration form (if applicable)

11SRMB P01
I/We request that such entries be made on the register as are necessary to give effect to this transfer
Please use a black pen. Print in CAPITAL letters inside the boxes.
Certifi cate lodged with the Registrar
(For Completion by Registrar/Stock Exchange)
Full Name of the
Full Description
of Security
Amount of Shares to be Transferred
Please provide your contact details here should the need arise for us to contact you about this transfer:
Stamp or name and address of person lodging this form (if other than
Buying Broker)
(Full name(s) of
the person(s)
to whom the
security is
together with
the full postal
address (including
postcode) of
the fi rst named
Title, forenames & surname of fi rst-named or sole shareholder
I/We hereby
transfer the
security out of
the name(s)
aforesaid to
the person(s)
named below
Kindly Note: This form is issued only to the addressee(s) and is specifi c to the class of security and the unique designated account printed hereon. This
personalised form is not transferable between different (i) account holders; (ii) classes of security; or (iii) uniquely designated accounts. The Company
and Computershare Investor Services PLC accept no liability for any instruction that does not comply with these conditions.
Stamp of Selling Broker(s) or, for transactions which are not stock exchange
transactions, of Agent(s), if any, acting for the Transferor
For Stamp Offi ce Use
Address of fi rst-named holder
Title, forenames & surname of other named shareholders
H1 24
New House Name
Street / Road
Town / City
Signature(s) of
DD / MM / YY
Post Code
House Number
A/C Designation: (Important - See note 7 on A/C Designations)
Shareholder Reference Number to which the security is transferred (if known)
In Words
In Figures
Shareholder Reference Number
Kindly Note: This section is compulsory. Failure
to complete it could result in this form being
rejected. Please refer to notes - section 1. If “Nil”
is entered, and/or the transfer is exempt from
Stamp Duty, section 9 must be completed.
Please turn over

11SRMB P01
Computershare Investor Services PLC is Registered in England & Wales, No 3498808, Registered Offi ce, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS13 8AE
Computershare Investor Services PLC is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority
Registered Offi ce: 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5HS
Signature(s) (Please sign in the boxes below) Description (“Transferor”, “Solicitor”, etc)
DD / MM / YY
I/We certify that the transaction effected by this instrument does not form part of a larger transaction or series of transactions
in respect of which the amount or value, or aggregate amount or value, of the consideration exceeds £1,000.
(*) I/We confi rm that I/we have been duly authorised by the transferor to sign this certifi cate and that the facts of the
transaction are within my/our knowledge.
(*) Delete second sentence if certifi cate is given by transferor.
(1) If the above certifi cate has been completed, this transfer does not need to be submitted to the Stamp Offi ce but should be sent
directly to the Company’s Registrars.
(2) If the above certifi cate is not completed, this transfer must be submitted to the Stamp Offi ce and duly stamped.
If you have any questions regarding
Stamp Duty please contact the Stamp Offi ce on:
Birmingham Stamp Offi ce
9th Floor, City Centre House,30 Union Street, BIRMINGHAM B2 4AR
Tel: 0845 603 0135 Fax: 0121 643 8381 DX: 15001 Birmingham 1
Please return this form to: Computershare Investor Services PLC, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 6ZZ.
If you are still unable to complete the attached document or are unsure of what action you need to take, please call our
dedicated transfer helpline on 0870 707 4018.
Please bear in mind:
Do not use pencil, correction fl uid, or stick-on labels. If you make any mistakes when completing the form,
just cross out the error and initial the amendments.
A DIFFERENT FORM - If you require one, please contact the Registrar, who will send you one. Alternatively,
you can log onto our website and download a copy of the Internal Transfer form.