Fillable Printable Urine Color Chart Sample
Fillable Printable Urine Color Chart Sample

Urine Color Chart Sample

Dehydration Urine Color Chart
The following Dehydration Urine Color Chart will help you use your urine color as an
indicator of your level of dehydration and what actions you should take to help return
your body back to a normal level of hydration.
Doing ok. You're probably well hydrated.
Drink water as normal.
You're just fine. You could stand to drink
a little water now, maybe a small glass
of water.
Drink about 1/2 bottle of water (1/4 liter)
within the hour, or drink a whole bottle
(1/2 liter) of water if you're outside
and/or sweating.
Drink about 1/2 bottle of water (1/4 liter)
right now, or drink a whole bottle (1/2 liter)
of water if you're outside and/or sweating.
Drink 2 bottles of water right now (1 liter).
If your urine is darker than this and/or red
or brown, then dehydration may not be
your problem. See a doctor.