Fillable Printable 90 Day Push-Up Challenge Overview (Men)
Fillable Printable 90 Day Push-Up Challenge Overview (Men)

90 Day Push-Up Challenge Overview (Men)

90 Day Push-Up Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru of Abs
Follow Me on Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected]
90 Day Push-Up Challenge
I would like to thank you for your interest in my 90-Day Pushups challenge. Pushups are
a very common strength training exercise that is used by a variety of individuals
interested in improving their strength. This challenge is designed to not only push you but
to get your friends involved so you can motivate each to complete the challenge.
Pushup Challenge Dates: January 1
- March 30
Pushup Challenge: 22,500 Pushups in 90 Days or 45,000 Pushups in 90 Days
Breakdown: 22,500 Pushups (500 reps per scheduled Pushup workout day)
45,000 Pushups (1000 reps per scheduled Pushup workout day)
Workout: Your pushup workout days will be EVERY OTHER DAY for 90 Days giving
you a total of 45Pushup workout days. (See ATTACHED Pushup workout excel
Workout Example: 4 sets of 25= 100 Reps for 5 or 10 rounds = 500/1000 Reps
3 sets of 35x35x30= 100 Reps for 5 or 10 rounds = 500/1000 Reps
90 Day Push-Up Challenge offers:
• A program customized to your personal goals and helps you surpass your current
fitness level. I have designed a Pushup program for you that require no major
equipment at all.
• Efficient workouts that don’t include hours of your time. I love fast, intense and fun
• A 90-Day program designed to keep you progressing towards your goals and prevents
boredom. 90-Days is long enough to see progress (increase in reps) but not so
long that your body adapts, change slows, and you get bored with the same old
• Progress measured through progress pictures. I encourage you to take progress pictures
to keep track of the hard work that you are putting in.
• I would EVERYONE involved to use the following hash tags :
#22500PushUps in 90-Days (Men’s Challenge)
#45000PushUps in 90-Days (Men’s Challenge)
#5625PushUps in 90-Days (Women’s Challenge)
#11250PushUps in 90-Days (Women’s Challenge)
so that WE as a team and fitness family can build following on social media for
this challenge and keep track of ALL parties involved.

90 Day Push-Up Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru of Abs
Follow Me on Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected]
90-Day Pushup Challenge Contents
• Benefits of Pushups for Men
• Stretches To Do Before and After Pushups
• How to do a Proper Push-Up
• Important Push-Up Tips
• Push-Up Variations for Men
• 90-Day Push-Up Workout Schedule
90 Day Push-Up Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru of Abs
Follow Me on Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected]
Benefits of Pushups for Men
The great thing about pushups is that they can be done anywhere, anytime and there are
so many variations that you will always be in for a challenge. Pushups will work: fingers,
hands, forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulders, traps, upper back, lower back, abs, glutes,
hamstrings, quads, calf and feet. Don’t miss the chance to obtain the benefits of pushups
since if done appropriately; this could be an incredibly vicious kind of exercise. This
exercise, in fact, has been utilized for decades until now. For those who are new in this
workout, doing this may be relatively hard due to several muscles involved. Pushups
target your pectoral muscle that is in your chest wall and your triceps that are the muscles
in the upper portion of the arms. Moreover, this workout is also beneficial to the muscles
located in your shoulders, the 3 groups of muscle which run the distance of the arm as
well as the muscles which enclose your first ribs on the same sides of the body.
Key Benefits:
• Pushups can be performed at home without the need for expensive exercise
equipment, which can save you money on a gym membership and other startup
• Performing pushups stimulates the metabolism and blood circulation, allowing
you to burn more calories throughout the rest of your workout.
• Studies have shown that performing pushups can help increase testosterone
levels, reducing risk of developing osteoporosis.
• Pushups provide better results than many similar exercises. Many who include
pushups in their workout routine find that they are able to reach their fitness
goals more easily than those following workouts that rely on other methods.
• Pushups allow you to provide a full body workout, allowing you to access many
muscle groups at once. You can work the quads, hamstrings, calves, chest,
shoulders and arms all at the same time with a few pushups. You will notice that
performing push up reps regularly will help you get a more toned chest,
shoulders, forearms, upper arms and wrists.

90 Day Push-Up Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru of Abs
Follow Me on Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected]
Stretches To Do Before and After Pushups
1. Standing Triceps Stretch
Starting Position: Stand tall or sit upright. Place your left elbow in your right
Directions: Reach your left arm overhead, placing palm on the center of your
back and supporting the elbow in your right hand. Reach your fingertips down
your spine. Keep the shoulders relaxed away from the ears.
*Breathe deeply and hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat on opposite side.*
Special Instructions: Stretch to the point of "mild discomfort," not to the point of
pain. Never bounce.
Muscles Stretched: Triceps
2. Standing Shoulder Stretch
Starting Position: Stand tall or sit upright
Directions: Bring your left arm across your chest, holding it below the elbow
with your opposite. Keep the shoulders relaxed away from the ears.
*Breathe deeply and hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat on opposite side.*
Special Instructions: Stretch to the point of "mild discomfort," not to the point of
pain. Never bounce. Straighten but do not lock elbow.
Muscles Stretched: Shoulder and arm
3. Standing Chest Stretch

90 Day Push-Up Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru of Abs
Follow Me on Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected]
Starting Position: Stand tall or sit upright. Interlace your fingers behind your
back and straighten you arms.
Directions: With arms straight, lift arms up behind you while keeping your back
straight and your shoulders down. Keep the shoulders relaxed away from the
*Breathe deeply and hold for 10-30 seconds. *
Special Instructions: Stretch to the point of "mild discomfort," not to the point of
pain. Never bounce. Straighten but do not lock elbow.
Muscles Stretched: Chest, shoulders and biceps
4. Standing Wrist/Biceps Stretch
Starting Position: Stand tall or sit upright. Extend left arm in front of you, palm
facing outward and fingertips pointing downward.
Directions: Use your right hand to apply light pressure to the hand, as if pulling
your fingertips towards your elbow. Keep the shoulders relaxed away from the
*Breathe deeply and hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat on opposite side.*
Special Instructions: Stretch to the point of "mild discomfort," not to the point of
pain. Straighten but do not lock elbow.
Muscles Stretched: Wrist, forearm and biceps

90 Day Push-Up Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru of Abs
Follow Me on Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected]
How to do a Proper Push-Up
1. Assume a face-down prone position on the floor
Keep your feet together (Curl your toes upward towards your head with the balls
of your feet on the ground) your weight should be on your chest.
Lower your torso to the ground until your elbows form a 90 degree angle
Keep your elbows close to your body for more resistance. Keep your head facing
forward. Try to have the tip of your nose pointed directly ahead. Keep your body
in a flat plank but do not drop your hips. Draw a breath as you lower yourself.
(How close you get to the ground will vary based on your strength and body type,
but a good level to shoot for is to get your chest about a fist's height from the
2. Position hands palms-down on the floor, approximately shoulder width apart
They should be about next to your shoulders, with your elbows pointed towards
your toes. (If you are on a relatively cushioned surface, such as a carpeted floor,
you may also support yourself on your fists between the first and second knuckles
for a greater challenge. If you are on a less forgiving surface, consider investing in
some pushup grips (they look like handles you put on the floor).
3. Raise yourself by attempting to push the ground away from you
Breathe out as you push. The power for that push will come from your shoulders
and chest. The triceps (the muscle on the back side of your upper arm) are also
contracted but they aren't the primary muscle group being used. Don't be tempted
to use your butt or your stomach. Continue the push until your arms are almost in
a straight position again (but not locked).
4. Repeat lowering and raising yourself at a steady pace
Each pair counts as a single push up. Do these until you finish your set or you hit
your maximum.

90 Day Push-Up Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru of Abs
Follow Me on Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected]
5. Pick the type of pushup that works best for you
There are actually three types of basic push up variations that use different
muscles. The difference is where you place your hands while in the plank
position. The closer your hands are together, the more you will engage your
triceps. The wider apart they are, the more you will engage your chest.
• Closest-hand: keep your hands directly under your shoulders or perhaps in
slightly. This will require you to engage your arms much more than a standard
push up.
• Regular: your hands should be slightly wider than your shoulders. This works
both your arms and your chest.
• Wide-arm: place your hands a good way's out from your shoulders. This version
mostly works the chest and requires less strength in the arms.

90 Day Push-Up Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru of Abs
Follow Me on Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected]
Push-Ups Tips:
1. One of the great advantages of pushups is that they can be done practically
anywhere. Find a patch of floor big enough for you to lie down in, without any
obstructions. The surface of the floor should be firm and not sliding around.
Preferably it should be a surface material that is going to be comfortable on your
hands no gravel, for instance.
2. If you have a wall mirror, use it to check your form.
3. Normal push-ups are quite difficult to do with good form and proper control,
especially so for someone who is just a beginner. If you find yourself shaking
slightly as you do a slow and proper pushup, you are doing push-ups that are too
difficult for you (or you haven't warmed up enough!).
4. When just starting out, it's fine use a slightly cushiony surface (like a thin carpet
or a yoga mat) to make the pushups more comfortable on your wrists.
5. Warm up before you start. Do some simple arm stretches and movements to
loosen up. Warming up reduces the risk of injury, and gets muscles ready for
more activity. You can actually lift/push/pull/etc more if you go through a proper
warm up routine than if you dive straight into the exercises. Make sure to stretch
your arms and wrists - key joints in pushups. When you are done, do some cool-
down stretches and movements as well.
6. Before you begin any movement, contract your abs and tighten your core by
pulling your belly button toward your spine.
7. Keep a tight core throughout the entire push up.
8. Inhale as you slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself until your elbows are
at a 90 degree angle.
9. Exhale as you when your pushing back up to the start position
10. Don't lock out the elbows; keep them slightly bent.

90 Day Push-Up Challenge by DaShaun Johnson aka The Guru of Abs
Follow Me on Instagram: @guru_of_abs | Email: [email protected]
Push Up Variations
Triceps Push-Ups
Keep your arms tight at your side, rotate your hands outward, and keep your elbows tight as you lower your
body. Works your triceps like crazy
Incline Push-Ups
If a standard push up is too difficult, you can start by doing pushups against a wall, a table or a sturdy chair.
Stand several feet away from the object you are using and use the same push up technique as above to
lower yourself until the elbows are 90 degrees and then rise back up. Keep you core tight the whole time.
Decline Push-Ups
This is a more difficult push up, performed with the feet raised up on a box or bench. You can adjust the
box height to increase or decrease the resistance using just your body weight.
Clapping Push-Ups
This is a plyometric exercise in which you push yourself up with enough power so that your hands come
off the floor and you clap in midair. This exercise is not for novice exercisers. You can get injured very
easily if you haven't worked up to these one at a time.
Medicine Ball Push-Ups
Perform a standard push up with one hand one top of a medicine ball. This works the shoulder in a slightly
different range of motion which increases shoulder stability.
Diamond Push-Ups
The diamond push up is done with your hands close together; with the index fingers and thumbs of one
hand touching the other hand and making a diamond shape. You then do pushups with your hands touching
the center of your chest and elbows close to your sides during each rep.
Cobra Push-Ups (Bent Knee)
This is a modified version of the standard push up performed on the knees rather than on the toes. As far as
execution, just like the “Diamond Push-Ups” your hands are close together; with the index fingers and
thumbs of one hand touching the other hand and making a diamond shape. You then do pushups with your
hands touching the center of your chest and elbows close to your sides during each rep. Be sure to keep the
knees, hips and shoulders all in a straight line; most people have a tendency to bend at the hips as though
you are bowing, but this is incorrect technique.
Push-Ups w/ Lat Row
The push up is nearly perfect all by itself, but add a couple of dumbbells to the movement and you have a
complete upper body workout. This variation adds alternating dumbbell lat rows to the top of each rep. This
modification increases the intensity of the exercise, activates the core stabilizers and engages the latissimus
dorsi (back) muscles.
Stability Ball Push-Ups
If you are ready to move beyond the basic push and add some core stability work try stability ball pushups.
This variation of the push up increases the difficulty and effectiveness of the standard push up. Adding the
balance requirement takes some practice good core strength, so make sure you can do about 20 basic
pushups before trying these.
Alternating Medicine Ball Push-Ups
This variation adds core stability as well as a modified range of motion during the basic push up movement.
Roll the medicine ball between each hand after reps and add a new balance challenge.