Fillable Printable Goods Charity Letter Sample
Fillable Printable Goods Charity Letter Sample

Goods Charity Letter Sample
Goods Charity Letter Sample
Mr. Anthony K. Butler
1700 Alpaca Way
Garden Grove, CA 92643
Subject: Goods Charity Letter
Dear Mr. Anthony,
Our organization is a well known and established organization in the field of
computer sales. We have been in this field for more than a decade and
have a great reputation. We are honored to inform you that our
organization has made a huge profit in the previous year. Thus the CEO
and the board of directors have decided to help the society. We would like
to donate 200 new computers to deserving students in our society. As the
leader of the student association it is our request to you to accept our
sincere donation and hope it proves to be helpful to the students.
Mr. William R. Walker
General Manager - Ed Computers Pvt. Ltd
3342 Outlook Drive
Richmond, IN 47374