Fillable Printable Tentative Offer Letter for H
Fillable Printable Tentative Offer Letter for H

Tentative Offer Letter for H

Tentative Offer Letter for Health Sciences Clinical Professor Series with (2113)
Date (should be 7 days from the time we receive)
Dear Dr. _________,
We are writing to summarize our tentative offer for an appointment as Health Sciences
(Assistant, Associate) Clinical Professor, in the Department of ________, in the School of
Medicine. The process of appointment will be initiated by a recommendation from the
Department which is then reviewed by the School of Medicine Dean’s Office. The
decision to offer an appointment is made by the Dean of the School of Medicine.
The proposed start date for this appointment will be _________. (Add the following if the
faculty member will have a clinical practice):
This offer is contingent upon you having the following by the proposed begin date:
1. A valid license or certificate to practice medicine pursuant to California Business
and Professions Code section 2113, issued by the California Medical Board;
2. Medical staff privileges allowing you to practice your specialty at the UC Irvine
Medical Center in Orange;
3. A valid H1-B visa, or such other visa as may be necessary to allow you to work
and practice medicine in the United States of America.
4. In the event the above three contingencies have not been met by the proposed start
date, the University reserves its right to either withdraw this offer, or extend the
proposed start date. If you experience delays in obtaining any of the above, please
contact your department immediately, so the situation can be evaluated. Only the
Dean has the authority to waive or modify any provision of this letter.
The position of Health Sciences (Assistant, Associate) Clinical Professor carries a base
salary of $_________. In addition, you will receive a Health Sciences Compensation
Scale (__) in the amount of $_________ and a negotiated salary component of $_______,
bringing your total salary to $_________. (if applicable) You will be expected to
generate increasing revenue to cover this salary through the generation of professional
fees, contracts and grants. This salary will be effective through June 30, ____ at which
time we will review your compensation arrangement. You will be a member of the UCI
Health Sciences Compensation Plan (
You may also eligible for up to an additional 15% bonus payment for income generated
above your total negotiated salary.

(Explain source of the negotiated salary component. Clearly specify the duration of
commitments from the Department and plans for the faculty member to assume
responsibility for the negotiated component from professional fees or other sources.)
Optional Sentence: Additional annual income may be possible based on the
Departmental Compensation Plan incentive “Z” component which is currently
implemented and under annual review. This can be explained to you in detail if you wish.
The Health Sciences Clinical Professor title is used for physician/teachers supported by
non-State funds. If their appointment is 51% or greater, they have the same retirement,
health and other benefits as faculty in the line series who receive a base salary from state
funds. Because of the source of funding, however, faculty in the Health Sciences Clinical
series do not have tenure and their appointments are subject to review/renewal on July 1
of every year.
All professional fee revenue generated by the clinical faculty are paid into the practice
plan to cover salaries and benefits. Optional starts here. Each clinical faculty member is
subject to the following taxes and/or assessments on professional fee income: 5% of
gross collections to the University (“dean’s tax”), 5% of gross collections to the practice
development association (PDA), % of gross collections to the department ( %
overhead and % department development fund) and % of collections to the billing
and collections service. Faculty members are expected to cover his/her expenses for such
things as travel, computers, membership dues, and subscriptions. Optional The
department can set up a pre-tax account for payment of appropriate business and
professional expenses.
(You will practice as a full time ______ in the Department of _________ strictly under
the jurisdiction of UC Irvine medical School and only under the diredtion of CHAIRs
NAME. You will practice only at the University of California, Irvine or the University of
California, Irvine affiliated facilities. The duties include ____________Insert a
paragraph that summarizes.)
Set-Up Funding: (Specify amount allocated and the duration in which the funds will be
made available, if any. Specify the fund source(s).)
Set-Up Funding Example:
We have allocated $___ for set-up funds for this position. (Example: These funds will be
made available in the following installments: $____ at the start of your appointment,
$_____ in year two and $_____ in year three. Set-up funds remain in an account in the
Dean’s Office for you to draw on. You will be given an account number to make your

Laboratory and Office Space: (Summarize commitments about office space, if any.)
Office Space Example:
We have set aside approximately ___ square feet of office space in ____. A diagram of
this is enclosed. (Discuss any renovations to be made and whether these will be paid for
by the Department or subtracted from set-up funding.)
Removal: Removal expenses by exception only in this series. See policy APM 560
Benefits: You will find information about employee benefits regarding life, health,
dental, vision and disability insurance as well as the University of California retirement
plan online We think you will find
that the benefits package is excellent. If you would like more detailed information,
please call our Department Administrator, NAME, PHONE NUMBER, who can put you
in touch with UCI’s benefits staff.
We hope that the plans and commitments described above are acceptable to you. If they
are, please indicate this by your signature below and return to me by __________and we
will initiate the appointment process. Please contact me if there are points you would like
to discuss.
Ralph V. Clayman
Department Chair Dean, School of Medicine
I agree to the terms of this letter and will accept the faculty position if it is offered.
Signed by candidate Date