
Fillable Printable Professional Letter-Invitation Letter Template

Fillable Printable Professional Letter-Invitation Letter Template

Professional Letter-Invitation Letter Template

Professional Letter-Invitation Letter Template

Invitaon Leer Template
[This document serves as an invitaon leer template for the Environmental Public Health Performance
Standards (www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/envphps). All red and underlined text in brackets represents areas to
be updated with informaon speci'c to your agency and its planned assessment.]
Dear [Insert Colleague’s Name Here]:
On behalf of [Insert Agency Name], I am pleased to invite you to parcipate in a one-day meeng
to assess our environmental public health system. The meeng will be held at [Insert Meeng
Locaon Here] on [Insert Date Here], from [Insert Time Here] to [Insert Time Here]. The [Insert Agency
Name Here] is leading and sta3ng the assessment project and will provide a facilitator to help
complete the task. Even though the environmental public health department is a central 'gure
in this assessment, we want to include representaves from other organizaons and sectors
involved in our local environmental public health system. We would like to complete this
assessment with all of our partners who play important roles in promong and preserving the
health and safety of [Insert Community Here].
The assessment will use the Environmental Public Health Performance Standards, which
describe the level of performance and capacity to which all environmental public health systems
and programs should aspire (www.cdc.gov/nceh/ehs/EnvPHPS). Your involvement in this process
provides an opportunity to discuss and respond to a series of quesons about the status of our
environmental public health system. Within [Insert Time] of the meeng, [Insert Agency Name
Here] will provide results of the assessment in a report outlining strengths and weaknesses.
Direcons to [Insert Meeng Locaon Here] are enclosed, along with informaonal materials so
that you may begin preparing.
Please RSVP no later than [Insert Date Here], by emailing [Insert Contact Name] at [Insert Address
Here] or by calling [Insert Contact Name Here] at [Insert Contact Informaon Here]. I look forward to
having you join with other community partners to take a close look at our environmental public
health system.
[Insert Name Here]
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