Fillable Printable Sample Letter of Recommendation and Endorsement
Fillable Printable Sample Letter of Recommendation and Endorsement

Sample Letter of Recommendation and Endorsement

Sample Letter of Recommendation and Endorsement
The applicant’s letter of recommendation from their supervisor should:
• Describe the candidate’s potential.
• Identify areas where growth is desirable.
• Indicate supervisor’s commitment to the candidate’s success in the program.
The endorsement from the applicant’s division director or agency head:
Can be in the form of a letter
Or just a one-sentence endorsement on the bottom of the applicant’s letter of
recommendation from their supervisor as reflected in the sample below:
April 15, YYYY
Mr. James Terry
Training Administrator
OMB/HRM/ Statewide Training & Organization Development
Suite 134, Haslet Armory.
122 MLK Jr. Blvd. South
Dover, DE 19901
Dear Mr. Terry:
I am pleased to nominate Mary Doe for the Human Resource Certification program. Mary
has been a Human Resource Technician with the Department of Health and Social
Service’s Division of Public Health for two years. During that time Mary has proven to be
a competent and dedicated employee whose proficiency has served our staff well.
Mary and I have carefully reviewed the experience requirements and the six competencies
developed by this program. I am committed to providing Mary opportunities to apply the
knowledge she gains from each course, to assist her in meeting the experience and
competency requirements.
I understand that I will be meeting with Mary within 30 days after she attends each course,
to review and discuss her HR experience and to discuss opportunities to apply what she
learned from each course.
Very truly yours,
Jane Superior, Supervisor
As the Director of the Division of Public Health in the Department of Health and Social
Services, I recommend Mary Doe for the Human Resource Certification program.
Signature: __________________________
Mark Jones, Director