Fillable Printable Professional Letter Format
Fillable Printable Professional Letter Format

Professional Letter Format

Sample Letter to Employee
123 Alphabet Street
Ourtown, WI 54321
Today’s Date
Dear [insert Employee’s Name]:
I regret to inform you that the ABC Company will be permanently closing its plant located at 123 Alphabet Street,
Ourtown, Wisconsin 54321. As a result of this action, 100 positions will be eliminated.
The company expects to begin eliminating positions on [insert date] and will continue each week thereafter until the plant
is completely closed on [insert date]. Your collective bargaining representative is John Doe, President of Local 1234 of
the United Bookbinders Union, and is located at 456 Union Drive, Ourtown, Wisconsin 54321. Interplant transfer rights
exist with respect to the elimination of these positions.
Currently, your last day of work is scheduled to be on [insert date]. If circumstances should necessitate an earlier or later
termination date, you will be notified immediately in writing. The company will ensure that you will be paid all earned
wages and agreed upon benefits at the time of your termination.
We will be holding an All Employee Meeting on [insert date & time]. If you need any further information following the
meeting, please contact [insert name and contact info].
The ABC Company truly regrets that these actions are necessary. We deeply appreciate the loyalty of our employees
and our foremost concern is to help our workers find other employment. We will be providing various means of assistance
to all of our employees to help with the transition process.
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) and the 11 Workforce Development Boards (WDBs)
throughout state work together in an effort to assist employees affected by business closings and layoffs. The services,
programs, and benefits provided by DWD and the WDBs to dislocated workers are free of charge and intended to help
you get back to work. ABC Company will be partnering with the DWD and the local WDB so that you will get information
about these services, programs, and benefits prior to your layoff. The Workforce Development Board serving [enter
location], Wisconsin is:
[enter Board Name]
[enter Board address]
[enter Board phone number]
Additionally, the DWD website,
, is a helpful resource that provides information
about the types of programs, benefits, and services that may be available to you as a laid off worker.
Thank you for your years of dedicated service at the ABC Company.
[insert signature block]