Fillable Printable Proof of Address Letter from Landlord-Confirmation of residential address
Fillable Printable Proof of Address Letter from Landlord-Confirmation of residential address

Proof of Address Letter from Landlord-Confirmation of residential address

Confirmation of residential address by co-habitant or third party homeowner
Please complete this form and hand it into any Standard Bank branch.
Residential address verification
I, ___________________________________________________________(full name and surname)
____________________________ (date of birth) _______________________ (identity number),
hereby confirm that I own the property located at, ________________________________________
______________________________________ (residential address).
I further confirm that ___________________________________ (prospective customer’s name),
resides at the abovementioned property due to, __________________________________________
______________________________________ (state the relationship / reason for the prospe ctive
customer residing at your resid ential address e.g. family member, lease agre ement etc)
Please find attached the original / certified copy of my residential address verification document which
reflects my name and residential address. (Please note that only one of the following documents
needs to be attached – please tick the appropriate box)
A water, electricity bill (less than 3 months old); or
A bank statement (less than 3 months old);or
A recent lease or rental agreement; or
Municipal rates and taxes invoice (l ess than 3 months old), if P O Box, must have
customer name, erf no and town ship; or
Mortgage statement (less than 6 months old); or
Telkom account (less than 3 months old); or
Recent correspondence from a body corporate or share-block associatio n; or
Valid television licence documentation; or
A recent life insurance poli cy document issued by an insurance co; or
Recent short-term insurance documentation; or
SARS tax return (less than 1 year old); or
Two retail credit account statements eg. Foschini, Markham’s; or
Signed _______________________________________
Date _______________________________________
Fica confirmation of address form