Fillable Printable Proof Of Residency
Fillable Printable Proof Of Residency

Proof Of Residency
Parents or guardians may prove residency by providing: A. One (l) of the following:
1. Homestead Exemption Card reflecting Homestead Exemption within Christian County
(considered family's primary residence)
2. Property Tax Notice (may require additional verification)
3. Home Purchase Contract in Christian County specified closing date, with a copy of the
deed to be provided within sixty (60) days of closing date
4. Copy of a Manifestation of Domicile filed by the parent (obtained at the Christian
Courthouse/the Clerk of Courts Office) A current rental or lease agreement
1. A current Kentucky driver license
2. Automobile insurance (last two (2) statements)
3. A current electric billing statement with the portion showing name and service
4. A current water bill, cable bill, or landline phone bill (last two (2) statements)
If a parent would like their child to attend a school other than their home zone school, they
must submit a "Hardship" form (form is available at the Christian County Board of
Education and also
on the District's website). Out of zone attendance must also be approved before the
student's enrollment is completed.
Parents who live with someone else must provide:
A. A notarized letter from the person they are living with stating that the parent and child
live there and notarized confirmation from parent(s) that they, in fact, live with such person;
B. Two (2) proofs of address from person who wrote the letter to establish that they live
in the school zone;
C. Two (2) proofs of address from the parent to verify that they live at the address.
Parents whose child lives with someone else must provide:
A. A notarized Power of Attorney that includes the following information must be
submitted to the Department of Pupil Personnel by the school or parent for review prior to
l. Relationship of guardian to child;
2. States that guardian will be responsible for the child's educational needs;
3. Length of temporary guardianship.
B. Department of Pupil Personnel will notify the school regarding status of enrollment;
C. If the Department of Pupil Personnel approves enrollment of the child by the guardian:
1. Guardian must sign District Statement of Acceptance of Responsibility Form;
2. Parent or guardian must provide evidence of pursuit of legal custody through
the courts to the school within ninety (90) days (school will note on TERMS S313
3. Department of Pupil Personnel will follow-up with District letter to