Fillable Printable Verification Of Nevada Residency
Fillable Printable Verification Of Nevada Residency

Verification Of Nevada Residency

Admis sions and R e c ords 7000 Dandini Blvd. RDMT 319, Reno, NV 89512 | 775-673-7042
Page 1 of 4; Verification of Nevada Resi denc y Rev.: 1/14/2016
TMCC is an EEO/AA inst itution. For more infor mation , visit
Attention: Students who are U.S. military veterans or a family member o f a veter a n, please do not use this form; instead, please use the form pro v ided by
NSHE and linked here: Veterans, Spouses and Dep end ents: Information Request Form for Determination of Tuition Charges
Submission Information
IN PERSON or by MAIL to:
Trucke e M eadows Communit y College
Admission s and Rec ords
7000 Dandini Blvd RDMT 319
Reno, NV 89512-3999
FAX to: 775-673-7028
Last Name
First Name
Date of Birth
Email Address
Telephone (Day)
Telephone (Evening)
Zip Code
Dates you have resided at your physical address
From (mm/dd/yyyy)
To (mm/dd/yyyy)
If at above address for less than twelve (12) months, list previous addresses
Zip Code
Zip Code
If you are not a U.S. citizen
Do you have an alien registration (permanent res iden t) card, or have been granted official asylum or refugee status?
Yes No
If "Yes", provide a copy of the Alien Registration card, temporary resident alien card, or proof of official asylum or refugee status.
Visa Status
Effective Fall 2014, students in certain visa categories can apply for in-state tuition with proof of visa status. Please ref er t o the Acceptable Non-Immigrant
Aliens Visa Classifications section in this document.
Have you lived in the state of Nevada for at least 12 months? Yes No
Do you have proof of visa status?
Yes No Visa Status __________
Please submit a copy of your I-94 (Arrival/Departure Record) along w ith pr oo f of V isa Status.
I hereby certify that under the penalties of perjury, all statements are true and correct; and I fully understand the institution reserves the
right to recover any fees which are legally authorized, due, and payable; and further, that the institution may take legal action necessary to
recover any outstanding financial obligations.
Signature Date

Verification of Nevada Residency
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TMCC is an EEO/AA inst itution. For more infor mation , visit
Submit Documentation From One of the Following Options
If you a r e a tten ding or have graduate d from a Nevad a high s ch ool, sub m it a n off icial high school transcript. U.S.
citizenship or Permanent Resident card not required.
High School: ____________________________________________________ ______/_______/_________
Name Graduation Date
A dependen t pers on whose s pouse, fa m ily or legal guardian is a verifiable res iden t of the State of Nevada for at least 12
month s immediately prior to th e d a te of ma tricula tion.
____ Submit a c opy of Pa r e nt /Guar dian/Spouse Fede ra l Income Ta x Re t urn (1040) for the most recent tax
year with the student listed as a de pendent.
AND one of the following documents:
____ Copy of mar r ia g e license or b ir th certificate or cou rt-appoin ted guardians hip of student.
____ Evidenc e of Nevada a s the spouse’ s , pa r ent’s or legal guardia n’s perma nent, prima r y residenc e ( examples of
evidence in c lude home ownership, lea s e a greem ent, ren t rec eipts, u tili ty bills ) dated a t leas t 12 m onths prior to the
date of m a tr iculation.
____ A Nevada dr iver’s license or N evada identific a tion c a r d for the spou s e, parent or legal guar dia n dated at leas t 12
month s p r ior to the date of matriculation.
____ A Nevada vehicle registrat ion for the spou s e, pa r ent or legal guar dian dated at least 12 months prior to the date of
____ Nevada voter registration f or the spouse, parent or legal guardian dated at leas t 12 m onths p r ior to the date of
____ Evidence of active bank account in Nevada issued at lea s t 12 mon ths prior to the date of m a tr iculation.
____ Evidenc e that the stu dent’s spou s e, pa r ent or legal gu a r dia n has r eloca ted to Nevada for the primar y purposes of
permanent full-time emplo ymen t or to establish a bus iness in Nev a d a (Su b m it letter f r om the employ e r on c om pany
letterhead s ta ting spouse, parent or guardian has been offered fu ll time employment or has transferred to N ev a da
for f ull time employment. Letter must ind ic a te s pous e , parent or guardian has either been work ing in Nevada for at
least 12 months befor e the star t of the s emester for which the s tudent is app lyin g for in -state tuition or is moving
from a nother s tate for em p loyment and wa s of fered employment or job transfer before they moved to Nevada).

Verification of Nevada Residency
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TMCC is an EEO/AA inst itution. For more infor mation , visit
A financially independent person who is:
1. a verifiable re s ident of the s ta te of Nevada;
2. for at least 12 months immedia tely pr ior to th e d a te of matriculation;
3. and whose fa m ily resides outside the state of Ne vada.
Submi t t wo of the f ollowing documents:
____ Copy of a Nevada driver’s license or Nevada identification card issued at lea s t 1 2 m onths pr ior to th e d a te of
____ Evidenc e of 12 mont hs physica l, c on tinuous presen c e in the State of N ev a da pr ior to the date of matr ic ulati on
(examples of evidence in c lude hom e ow nership, lea s e/ r ental agreem ent, utili ty bills).
____ Copy of student’s first page of their f eder a l tax return (1040) for the most recent tax year, indicating a Nevada
____ If n o federal tax r eturn h a s been filed by the student becau s e of minimal or no taxable inc om e, documented
infor m a tion con c e r ning the receip t of suc h nontaxa b le inc om e .
____ Copy of student’s Nevada vehicle registra tion is s ued at leas t 1 2 m onths pr ior to th e d a te of matriculation.
____ Proof of voter reg is tration in Nevada issued at le a st 12 months prior to the date of ma tr iculation.
____ Evidence of active bank account in Nevada issued at lea s t 12 mon ths prior to the date of ma tr iculation.
Submit one of t he foll owing documents:
____ A student who has relocated to Nevada for fu ll tim e employment (submit letter fr om the employer o n compan y
letterhead s ta ting stu dent has be en off e r ed full time e m ployme nt or ha s tran s ferred to Nevada for full time
employment. Letter m ust in dicate stu d ent is mov ing from another state for employment).
____ A student or their spouse who h as relocated to Nev a d a for the pr im ary pur p os e of establish ing a busines s in Nevada
(submit copy of business license and proof that the student applied for the bu s iness license).
____ A member of the Armed For c es of the United S ta tes, on activ e duty, sta tion ed in Nev a da a s a result of a per m a nent
change of duty station pursuant to military ord e r s or a person wh os e s pouse, parent or legal guardia n is a member
of the Armed F or ces of the Unite d States s tation ed in N e vada a s a re s ult of a p erman ent ch an ge of duty station
purs uant to m ilitary or ders, including a Marine currently stationed a t the Mar ine Cor ps Mountain Warfare Training
Center at Pickel Mea dows, Califor nia. (Submit c opy of milita ry orders. If the s tud ent is the s p ouse, child or legal
guard ia n of the military member , also submit proof of relationship, such as Federa l T a x Return 1040 listing the
student as a dependent or s p ouse.)
____ A professional emplo yee, c lassif ied em p loyee, postdoctoral f ellow, r e s id ent physician or r esident dentist of the
Nevada S ystem of H igher Education c urrently em plo yed at least ha lf time, or the spouse or dependent child of such
an employee (submit copy of employment contract o r le tter f r om employer. In th e case of a depend ent or spouse,
submit empl oy ee pr oof of employment A N D copy of 1040 federal income ta x retu r n show in g dependent or spou s e).
____ A teacher who is curren tly employ ed full-time b y a private elementary, sec ondary of P os ts e c ondary educational
institut ion whose curricula meet the requirements of NR S 394.130 or the spou s e or dependent child of such
employee (submit cop y of employme nt contr act or letter from employer).
____ Native A m erican who cur rently r e s ide s on tribal lan ds located wh olly or par tia lly w ithin the boundaries of th e State of
Nevada (submit a copy of tribal card or blood document re quired).

Verification of Nevada Residency
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TMCC is an EEO/AA inst itution. For more infor mation , visit
Submi t one of the followi ng visas:
____ For e ign Gov er nmen t O fficial (A-1, A-2 or A-3)
____ Treaty Traders and Treaty Investors (E-1 or E-2)
____ For e ign Gov er nmen t O fficials to I ntern a tional Or ganiz a tions (G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5)
____ Temporary Workers (H-1B, H-1C, H4 ) Note: spouse a nd children of H-2A , H-2B or H-3 not eligible.
____ Foreign Media Repres entative (I)
____ Fiancé or spouse of U.S . citizen (K-1, K-2, K-3, K4)
____ Intracompany Transferee (L-1A, L-1B, L-2)
____ Certain Parents and Children of Spec ia l Immigr ants ( N-8, N-9)
____ Nor th Atlantic Tr e a ty Orga nization: (NATO-1, NATO-2, NATO-3, NATO 4, NATO-5, NATO-6, NATO-7)
____ Workers with Extr aordinary A b ilities (O-1, O-3) Note: spous e or c hild of O-1 only.
____ Athletes and Entertainers (P-1 , P-2, P-3, P-4)
____ Rel igious W orkers (R-1, R-2)
____ Witness or Informant (S-5, S-6, S-7)
____ Victims of a Severe Form of Trafficking in Pers ons (T-1, T-2, T-3, T-4, T-5)
____ Victims of Certain Crim es (U-1, U-2, U-3, U-4, U-5)
____ Certain Second P r ef er ence Beneficiaries ( V-1, V-2, V-3)
For Admissions Staff
Approved Denied Initials________ Date_____/_____/_________