Fillable Printable MPC Research Proposal Template
Fillable Printable MPC Research Proposal Template

MPC Research Proposal Template

Identifying Number MPC-(Given by NDSU)
Time Duration (Current Year – Next Year ie.2015-2016)
This format must be followed exactly and each category
must be listed and addressed, use Times New Roman font at
size 12.
Project Title:
Title - Provide a title that is descriptive of the project and includes key terms.
If the project is a multi-university proposal, list each university involved.
North Dakota State University (example, no address)
Principal Investigators:
If the project is a multi-university proposal, list a principal investigator from each university,
with the university affiliations denoted in parentheses. Must include Name, Title, Email Address,
Telephone Number.
Research Needs:
Provide a statement of the important issues and problems that give rise to the need for the
project, including a brief literature review (if appropriate) that summarizes the state of
knowledge in the subject area and identifies the knowledge gaps the project seeks to fill. It must
be clear from the description that there are compelling needs for the study and it will address
issues of national and regional importance.
Research Objectives:
Provide a clear statement of the research objectives, including any hypotheses to be tested. At
least some of the objectives must be measurable—i.e., at the conclusion of the project, it must be
possible to ascertain whether the stated objectives have been achieved.
Research Methods:
Provide a sufficient description so that reviewers can assess the appropriateness of the research
approach and methods and the quality and reliability of data, including descriptions of any
mathematical, statistical, operations research, and simulation techniques to be used, as well as
surveys, lab tests, and field data.
Expected Outcomes:
Provide a description of the expected outcomes in terms of potential findings and impacts,
including advances in modeling, practices, and procedures; implications for future research; and
how the results of the project can be used by practitioners. Describe any tangible products
beyond the research report, including prototype software, equipment, guidebooks, or
instructional manuals that may emanate from the project.
Relevance to Strategic Goals:
Describe how the proposed project and its expected outcomes are related to one or more of the
following goals: State of Good Repair, Safety, Economic Competiveness, Environmental
Sustainability, and Livable Communities.
Educational Benefits:
If applicable, describe how students will be involved in the project and any expected classroom
or instructional uses of procedures, examples, or discoveries derived from the project. In not
applicable, state “Not Applicable” below Educational Benefits, no quotes.
Work Plan:
Provide a description of the major tasks or steps in the project, along with an expected timeline.
The tasks should be numbered and an expected completion date assigned to each one. Instead of
calendar dates, the timeline should be expressed in months from the starting date. Typically, a
work plan includes steps such as the completion (and testing) of questionnaires, lab tests, field
tests or data collection efforts, input or focus group meetings, and critical steps such as the initial
runs and calibrations of models. A draft report and other milestone events should be included, as
well as a technology transfer plan that includes a research seminar via the Transportation
Learning Network and/or plans to collaborate with an LTAP or TTAP center (if appropriate). If
the research is basic in nature, other dissemination methods may be substituted for the TLN,
LTAP, or TTAP distribution channels.
Project Cost:
Total Project Costs: $
MPC Funds Requested: $
Matching Funds: $ Source of Matching Funds:
List the amount of MPC funds requested, the amount of the expected matching contributions,
and the sources of the matching resources, including all agencies expected to contribute funds or
in-kind resources to the project. MPC research projects require at least a dollar for dollar match.
However, other federal funds (e.g., federal funds other than UTC funds) cannot be used as
match, except for state planning and research funds and LTAP funds, which are eligible under
exclusionary provisions of the authorizing legislation. The definition of “non-federal funds” is
based on the original source of funds.
Potential Peer Reviewers:
Provide the complete contact information of at least three persons who are qualified to review
and critically assess the proposal, including the person’s name, position title and organization,
street address, city, state, zip code, telephone number, and email address. Please keep in
mind that peer reviewers cannot have conflicts of interests, such as those that may arise if
someone stands to personally or professionally benefit from the proposed project. Peer reviewers
may include professionals at federal, state, metropolitan, or local agencies, as well as university
and private-sector researchers. Given that at least three completed reviews are required for a
proposal to move forward in the assessment process, the submission of more than three names
may expedite the time frame for approval, in the event of one or more nonresponsive reviewers.
TRB Keywords: