Fillable Printable Research Pproposal Template
Fillable Printable Research Pproposal Template

Research Pproposal Template

Your Name
English ???--???
Research Proposal
“Working Title of Researched Argument”
Under this header you will develop a description of your topic, including a
justi!cation of your topic, and, if applicable, the sections of the book that prompted
your interest in the topic. You should also discuss why the topic is important to you
by connecting it to your personal and/or professional (major?) interests. This
section should also explain which documentation format you will use and why you
will use that format. In short, this is the section in which you explain why the topic
is important to both you and your audience. It should answer the “So what?” and
“Who cares?” questions.
Research Question/Thesis
You will need to draft a speci!c research question that your !nal Researched
Argument will answer. The one-sentence answer to this question will serve as your
preliminary thesis sentence.
What I Already Know and What I Need To Know
Explain what you already know about your topic based on your interests and
experience. You might even include a personal example that illustrates your ideas
on the topic.
Structure/Organization of Final Draft
This is where you should include at least a scratch outline of your draft. Even if you
do not have an exact structure in mind, you must note several claims that you are
going to need to support.
What (Kinds of) Sources I Will Need and How I Will Use Them
All sources are not created equal. For major claims, you are better o2 using a
scholarly/academic source for support. Other sources may be professionally
published surveys. For example, if you are planning to claim that your argument is
important because it will a2ect X number of people, you will need a source that
says X number of people will be a2ected.
Here is where you will list the three required sources as they will appear in the
references or works cited page in the proper format you have chosen. You should
also consider explaining how and why each source will be used in your !nal
researched argument. Which major claims will they support?
Challenges (Speci+c to Your Topic)
What challenges do you expect to confront? This is also the area where you should
identify speci!c counter arguments and opposing arguments.
Timeline (Due Dates)

Use this area to give yourself due dates for accomplishing speci!c tasks. Feel free
to use the class schedule as a general guide, but you will want to include more due
dates speci!c to your plans.