Fillable Printable Sample Dissertation Proposal Outline
Fillable Printable Sample Dissertation Proposal Outline

Sample Dissertation Proposal Outline

Sample Dissertation Proposal Outlines (Should Be Confirmed with Advisor)
by Mark Warschauer, 11 January 2010
These two sample dissertation proposal outlines – one for a standard dissertation and one
for a three-article dissertation – are being provided as examples only. There is no
standard dissertation proposal outline for the UCI Ph.D. in Education program. Students
must consult with their own advisors about what content and format the advisor finds
Standard Dissertation
I. Introduction
A. Background (background to the problem)
B. The Study (briefly introducing the study and research questions)
C. Significance (briefly explaining who your study will be of value to and
II. Conceptual Framework (situates your work within a conceptual framework,
explains key constructs, introduces or clarifies any theoretical models
involves, and situations your work within prior theory and research on the
question; begin with an introductory paragraph introducing the elements of the
conceptual framework and conclude with a summation that helps review the
need for your study and thus transitions to the methodology)
III. Methodology
A. Overall Research Approach (with justification and citations of other
research using that approach or to theorists of that approach) [usually
needed for qualitative, possibly for quantitative]
B. Research Sites/Population/Sampling/Subjects/Participants
C. Instruments/Measures/Sources of Data
D. Procedures [usually needed for quantitative; less often used in qualitative]
E. Data Analysis
F. Trustworthiness and Credibility [usually needed for qualitative, not
IV. Timeline (for proposal defense, completion of the dissertation, and
dissertation defense)
V. Outline of Dissertation Chapters [optional] (usually Introduction, Conceptual
Framework, Methodology, Findings, and Conclusion)
VI. Dissemination [optional] (plans for journal articles, conference presentations,
or other forms of dissemination)
VII. References

Three-Article Dissertation
I. Introduction
A. Background (background to the problem)
B. The Studies (briefly introducing the collection of studies and overall
research questions)
C. Significance (briefly explaining who your dissertation will be of value to
and why)
II. Conceptual Framework (situates your work within a conceptual framework,
explains key constructs, introduces or clarifies any theoretical models
involves, and situations your work within prior theory and research on the
question; begin with an introductory paragraph introducing the elements of the
conceptual framework and conclude with a summation that helps review the
need for your study and thus transitions to the methodology)
III. Methodology
A. Overall Research Approach (with justification and citations of other
research using that approach or to theorists of that approach) [optional]
B. Overall Research Site or Population (if this is consistent across the three
studies) [optional]
C. Study A
i. Research Approach
ii. Research Sites/Population/Sampling/Subjects/Participants
iii. Instruments/Measures/Sources of Data
iv. Procedures [usually needed for quantitative; less often used in
v. Data Analysis
vi. Trustworthiness and Credibility [usually needed for qualitative, not
D. Study B
i. Research Approach
ii. Research Sites/Population/Sampling/Subjects/Participants
iii. Instruments/Measures/Sources of Data
iv. Procedures [usually needed for quantitative; less often used in
v. Data Analysis
vi. Trustworthiness and Credibility [usually needed for qualitative, not
E. Study C
i. Research Approach
ii. Research Sites/Population/Sampling/Subjects/Participants
iii. Instruments/Measures/Sources of Data
iv. Procedures [usually needed for quantitative; less often used in
v. Data Analysis
vi. Trustworthiness and Credibility [usually needed for qualitative, not
IV. Timeline (for proposal defense, completion of the dissertation, and
dissertation defense)
V. Outline of Dissertation Chapters [optional] (Usually Introduction, Conceptual
Framework, Study A, Study B, Study, C, and Conclusion) (Methodology will
be integrated into each of the three Study chapters; umbrella information
about Methodology can be integrated into the Introduction or the Conceptual
Framework or included in an additional chapter inserted after the Conceptual
VI. Dissemination [optional] (plans for journal articles, conference presentations,
or other forms of dissemination)
VII. References