Fillable Printable Customer Service Resume
Fillable Printable Customer Service Resume

Customer Service Resume

XX Grill Street, San Antonio, Texas 78225
[email protected], (012) 345-6789
A position of Customer Service Representative where my excellent problem resolution skills and product
based knowledge will be used to gain new customers and retain existing ones.
● Over three years of experience in Customer Support services.
● Ability to perform over 100 outbound calls any day to the customer base.
● Excellent skills in providing product/service related information and selling them over the phone.
● Good experience in receiving inbound calls from customers.
● Ability to handle software on a data entry level.
● Ability to keep customer grievance and other information notes to follow them later.
● Quick learner about products and services.
● Awarded Representative of the Year in 2011.
● Devised new systems for all service calls.
● Achieved 130 new customers in one month.
CVS Caremark – San Antonio, Texas
(2011- Present)
Call Center Representative
● Received inbound calls and answered questions from customers satisfactorily.
● Made outbound calls to the company’s prospective customer list.
● Performed certain data entry level tasks for systemizing the employee information system.
Wells Fargo – San Antonio, Texas
Call Center Representative
● Assisted customer queries over the phone and email.
● Guided customers to place new orders.
● Maintained contact lists of customers interacted with based on company norms.
● Took notes and addressed the serious customer centric issues quickly.
● Always achieved the pre-set targets within the mentioned deadline.
High School Diploma from Brackenridge High School

Signature of Andrew Donovan