Fillable Printable Customer Service Resume Objective
Fillable Printable Customer Service Resume Objective

Customer Service Resume Objective

Resume Writing and Interview Tips
for Home Depot Associates
Writing a Resume
Why do I need a resume?
If you want to apply for a new position in the company, you will typically need a resume. A resume is your
opportunity to promote your qualications and get the interview – use it wisely!
What should I include?
Crafting a resume takes time, patience, and skill. It needs to be thorough, but also simple and easy for the reader
to understand. Most resumes include the following sections:
Contact Information - At the top of your resume, you need to include the following information:
First and last name
Address and telephone number(s)
E-mail address
Summary of Qualifications - spotlights your most impressive and relevant accomplishments, skills, and
experience. Either a bulleted list or paragraph style is acceptable.
Work Experience - this section will include specic information about your past accomplishments. Start with
your most recent (or current) position. Be sure to include the location of the organization and the dates of
employment. Be consistent in how you format each experience.
Education - list formal programs/degrees, as well as relevant continuing education or on-the-job training.
Skills - include skills that are relevant to the position you are interested in (i.e. computer skills, software skills,
language skills, managerial skills, etc.).
Certifications/Licensure (if applicable) - list any job-related certications or licenses you have obtained.
Include the full name of the certication, the issuing organization or institution and its location and the date
Awards & Recognition (if applicable) – list any signicant job-related awards or recognition you have
Put the most important information rst. This point is valid both to the overall order of your resume, as well as
to the individual sections. Most of the times your previous work experience will be the most important part of the
resume, so put it at the top. When describing your experiences or skills, list the most important ones rst.
What are some tips for writing a good resume?
One of the most important things you can do is ensure your resume is a summary of your achievements and not
just a list of previous job responsibilities. Resumes that include a long list of responsibilities are not an effective
way to sell yourself. Instead use action verbs to describe what you accomplished in each job.

Resume Writing and Interview Tips
for Home Depot Associates
Let’s look at an example of how action words can improve a resume:
No Action Words
Enhanced with Action Words
Responsibilities included handling complaints,
supervising clerical staff, supporting three executives,
and using cost-effective processes to order and
maintain supply inventory.
Managed successfully the coordination of 8
support staff in a high volume sales ofce.
Improved efciency through scheduling,
eliminating duplication of tasks, and providing
“Excellent Customer Service” training programs
for the staff.
Responsibilities included assisting customers,
ensuring department was fully packed down and
in stock at all times, and coaching and training
Created a customer service and selling culture
within department which led department to beat
sales plan by more than 5% for 3 consecutive
Coached and trained all associates within
department leading to improved VOC scores year
over year.
Received a Platinum Homer badge, the
company’s highest level of recognition for
customer service.
Notice that the accomplishment statements in Version 2 use action words and indicate the results achieved.
This makes these statements much more powerful than Version 1. Make sure your accomplishment statements
begin with an action verb and state WHAT ACTION you took and the RESULT of your action (in quantitative terms
whenever possible).
What do I do with my resume when it’s complete?
Career Depot is the place for internal associates to view and apply for retail hourly, retail management, and
corporate/non-store positions.
Depending on the role you are applying for, you may be able to upload your resume to Career Depot or you
may need to use Career Depot’s resume builder functionality.
If you are selected for an interview, be sure to bring a copy of your resume with you.
What is a structured interview?
A structured interview is a series of job-related questions which are consistently applied to all applicants for a
particular job. Structured interviews are used for most positions.

Resume Writing and Interview Tips
for Home Depot Associates
Two primary types of questions are asked:
1. Behavioral questions are focused on learning about the candidate’s past work experiences and what has
been gained from these experiences.
2. Situational questions ask the candidate to describe how he or she would approach various work-related
situations. The individual is often asked to specify the Situation, the Action taken, and the Result or
How should I prepare for an interview?
Your past performance is the best indicator of how you are likely to perform in the future. So, the best way to show
an interviewer that you are capable of performing the job well is to give specic examples of when you’ve done
something similar in the past. When you demonstrate to the interviewer that you’ve used your knowledge or skills
well, you are also demonstrating that you’ll be able to use that knowledge or skill again. Use the following steps to
prepare for a structured interview.
1. Review the job description to find out the knowledge and skills needed for the job. This is the most
important prep work you can do.
Review the day-to-day tasks associated with the position.
Review the experience requirements.
2. Review your resume for experiences that illustrate the knowledge or skills required for the job.
3. Prepare specific examples of your past behaviors and accomplishments that will show you meet the
requirements of the job.
Structure your answers using the SAR approach: State the Situation you were in, the Action you took,
and your Results.
4. Practice interviewing with a friend or co-worker.
Try to anticipate what types of questions might be asked based on the job description and the
knowledge and skills required.
Identifying possible questions and practicing your responses will help you feel more prepared and
comfortable with the structured interview process. This will help you perform at your very best during
your interview.
What are some tips for during the interview?
Arrive on time.
Introduce yourself if you don’t know the interviewers.
Have a rm handshake.
Listen carefully to the questions being asked.
Don’t be afraid to “sell” yourself. Take pride in your accomplishments and don’t minimize an opportunity to
speak of your achievements in a positive manner.
Answer all questions fully. Take notes if you need to and take your time to elaborate. Don’t assume your
interviewers already know you or your work ethic. You can only be evaluated on what is said, not what is
Be aware of your non-verbal communication.
Ask about the next steps in the process.
Thank the interviewer(s).

Resume Writing and Interview Tips
for Home Depot Associates
What should I do after the interview?
Take a deep breath, you did it! If you don’t get the job, at least you’ve gained some valuable experience and
know what to expect for next time.
After the job is lled, don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer or manager for feedback. Understand what went
well and what you could do differently next time.
Continue to work on your development plan regardless of the outcome. It’s your career, own it!
What type of questions will I be asked?
Every interview differs, but there are some common skills that most successful associates at the Home Depot
have. Here are some sample questions that can help you prepare your specic examples of your past behaviors
and accomplishments.
1. Your success as a supervisor will depend in large part on your ability to set goals and accomplish results.
Describe a time in a past position when you accomplished more than others thought possible.
2. Often our customers place many demands on us, some of which are unreasonable. Tell me about a time
when you were faced with a customer who made unusual or unreasonable demands.
3. Discuss a time when you provided someone with valuable developmental feedback that he or she used to
improve his/her performance.
4. Tell me about a time when you were able to provide someone with the direction that he or she needed to
succeed at work.
5. Describe a time when you successfully handled conict at work. What did you do?
6. Tell me about a time when being quick to act or respond to a situation at work paid off.
7. Give me an example of a time when you wanted to give up on something, but pushed through it to nd
8. How do you ensure that you consistently produce results at work? How do you stay motivated and
committed to driving results?
9. Tell me about your approach for building positive relationships with others at work.
10. Tell me about a time when you had to overcome challenges or barriers in order to deliver excellent service
to a customer.