Fillable Printable Job Description Format
Fillable Printable Job Description Format

Job Description Format

SCHOOL: Castle Hill Community Primary School Folkestone
JOB TITLE Assistant Headteacher, Inclusion and Access
SALARY/ SPOT POINT Leadership Spine range
REPORTS TO Headteacher / Governors
DATE 01.01.12
JOB PURPOSE: To assist the Head teacher in leading and managing the school
in collaboration with the Senior Leadership Team. To lead the
provision of inclusive education for pupils with additional needs
within the school and the Special Unit for the Hearing Impaired
Strategic direction and development of the school
Work with the Head teacher and Deputy Head teacher to co-ordinate the
development and implementation of Inclusion and Access policies in order to raise
achievement for all vulnerable pupils and improve the quality of provision for
additional educational needs
Contribute to SEF and School Plan
Support the Head teacher and School Governors in effectively communicating the
long, medium and short term objectives of Inclusion and Access for all pupils to staff,
parents, community and cluster
To establish, monitor, evaluate and review policies, practices and plans to maximise
the achievement of all vulnerable groups
In collaboration with the Deputy Head teacher and Assessment Co-ordinator use
national, local school and inspection data to inform self evaluation and prioritising
Support the Head teacher in establishing the role of the new school in the
community and the cluster
Develop monitor and evaluate the effective organisation and administration of
Inclusion and Access support within the school and HI Unit
Establish effective working partnerships with external agencies contributing to the
support of pupil needs to ensure effective communication and liaison
Support the establishment of an effective climate for learning by acting as the
schools leading behaviour specialist
Teaching and learning
Develop with the Head teacher and colleagues effective ways to overcome barriers
to learning.
Sustain effective teaching through analysis and assessment of pupil needs,
monitoring quality of teaching and pupil achievement and by setting targets for
Establish, monitor, evaluate and review the effective use of resources, appropriate
teaching and learning activities and target setting to meet the needs of pupils with
additional education needs and within the HI Unit
Work with pupils, subject leaders and teachers to ensure that realistic expectations
of behaviour and achievements are set for all pupils
Lead the identification and dissemination of the most effective teaching approaches
for pupils with AEN
Develop, monitor, evaluate and review effective policies to promote equality and
challenge stereotyping in relation to disability, gender or race
Develop effective systems to promote partnerships between parents and school to
promote pupil learning and provide accurate information about targets, achievement
and progress
Leading and managing staff
Working with the Head teacher and Deputy Head teacher, the Assistant Head teacher
(Inclusion and Access) will lead, motivate, support, challenge and develop staff to
secure improvement
The Assistant Headteacher will:
Plan support and evaluate the work undertaken by all staff as groups, teams and
Provide regular information to the Head Teacher and Governing Body on the
evaluation of provision for pupils is AEN, to inform decision making and policy review
Motivate and enable inclusion and HI Unit staff to develop expertise and increase
effectiveness in their respective roles through continuing professional development
Contribute to implementation of effective systems for the management of all staff
performance, incorporating Performance Management targets for teachers including
those relating to pupils’ achievement
Efficient and effective deployment of staff resources
Working with the Head teacher, the Assistant Head teacher will identify the
appropriate deployment of people and resources to support the teaching of pupils
with AEN and evaluate efficiency, effectiveness, and safety
The Assistant Head teacher will:
Work with Governors and the Head teacher to recruit and appoint staff
Establish systems to ensure review of staff and resource requirements to meet the
needs of all pupils with AEN
Establish effective systems to prioritise expenditure and allocate resources to meet
the objectives of Every Child Matters, School Access and Inclusion policies and to
achieve value for money
Deploy staff flexibly to ensure the most effective and efficient use of expertise to
meet pupil needs
Liaise with external agencies to maximise effective support of pupil needs including
child protection
To take an active role within the Senior Management Team of the school,
driving forward school improvement priorities and relevant educational
To be an exemplar, role model and leader of learning.
To demonstrate a thorough, up to date knowledge of current educational
initiatives and Government policy and take a leading role in planning their
implementation within the school
To take specific responsibility for Inclusion and Access
To promote the ethos of the school and its standing in the wider community.
To take a leading role in maintaining pupils’ well being, health and safety and
standards of behaviour
To monitor standards of teaching, learning and achievement within the
school evaluating these to determine impact on learning of all vulnerable
groups and future development priorities
To lead colleagues in the setting, review and evaluation of Performance
Management Objectives and School Targets resulting in a tangible impact on
learning of AEN and HI Unit pupils
To provide regular progress reports and updates for the SMT and Governors
on Access and Inclusion matters ensuring they are fully aware of all
successes, issues and concerns
To work in close liaison with the Business Manager and the Head teacher to
manage and monitor all budgets supporting pupils with additional needs and
special needs statements
See Appendices for further details of leadership and emotional intelligence competencies
It is the expectation the Assistant Head teachers will be consistently performing at Level 3
within these frameworks