Fillable Printable Secretary Job Description
Fillable Printable Secretary Job Description

Secretary Job Description
1. Responsibilities
The Assistant Secretary-Treasurer shall generally be responsible to the S ecretary-Treasurer
for the office of the Central Administration along with providing back up support for the
responsibilities of the Secretary-Treasurer. The Assistant Secretary-Treasurer is expected to
fulfill the responsibilities of his/her position in a manner which is supportive of the Board and
its employees and which reflects the interests of students as a paramount concern.
Without limiting the foregoing, the role of the Assistant Secretary-Treasurer shall include the
following responsibilities, the performance of which may be delegated under his/her
2. Reporting Relationships
1. Reports to the Secretary-Treasurer
2. Works collaboratively with other central office administrators
3. Supports the work of school-based administrators
4. Supervises the following staff functions:
a. Accountants
b. Payroll
c. Human Relations
d. Accounts Payable/Receivable
e. Reception
f. Clerical Support
3. Primary Function
Assist the Secretary-Treasurer in the administration of the business affairs of the jurisdiction.
This position provides leadership in making financial and business affairs and
communications. It contributes to educational efficiency and progress and provides advice to
the Secretary-Treasurer in regard to these matters. In particular, the Assistant Secretary
Treasurer shall assume first line responsibility for the management of the clerical and
accounting staff of the central office as well as for the day to day financial operations of the
school division.

4. Performance Responsibilities
A. Financial
1. Provides advice and makes recommendations to the Secretary-Treasurer on matters
affecting finance services.
2. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the development of effective administrative procedures
for, and monitors and evaluates the following financial operations of the school system:
a. General Ledger
b. Cash management, accounts receivable and accounts payable
c. Payroll including employees benefits and Human Relations
d. Operating and Capital Budgets
e. Financial Reporting
f. Education Grant Claims
1. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the development and maintenance of administrative
procedures for, and monitors and evaluates the functioning of the financial aspects of the
site-based decision making system.
2. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the preparation of financial reports and returns as
required by legislation, Alberta Education Regulation and the Board of Education.
3. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the coordination of the preparation and administration
of the annual operating budget for the jurisdiction including the preparation of periodic
reports for the information of the Board and administrators of the schools and
4. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the establishment and maintenance of proper and
adequate records and books of accounts as required by legislation, Alberta Education
Regulation and Board policy.
5. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the supervision of the management of the financial
affairs of the jurisdiction and of all schools, including jurisdiction banking operations.
6. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the provision of accounting and budget advise, training
and liaison for school based staff and other departments as required.
7. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in maintain ing the currency of all financial accounting
systems, which include but are not limited to hardware/software, information
requirements and report formats.
8. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the administration of the accounting and investment of
reserve and trust account funds.
9. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the provision for the internal audit of all school
generated funds according to Alberta Education regulations, external audit requirements
and/or Board policy.
10. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the preparation of reports including recommendations
and appropriate policies and procedures affecting the financial operations of the
B . Corporate and Support Services
1. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the provision of advice and recommendations on
matters affecting corporate services.
2. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the development of effective administrative procedures
for monitoring and evaluating the following corporate services of the school system:
a. Property management including inventory control and

b. Records management including maintenance of the central filing
c. Student information systems
d. Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation
e. Capital building program budgets and grant funding claims
f. Occupational Health & Safety
1. In the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer, preparation of the agenda for all regular and
special Board meetings and appropriate committee meetings, including distribution of the
agenda and support documentation to the Board m embers sufficiently in advance of
2. In the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer, attends all Regular Board of Trustees meetings
and ensures preparation of all minutes and correspondence arising from actions and
decisions of the Board of Trustees. Attends committee meetings and maintains minutes of
the same.
3. Assists the Secretary-Tre asurer in the facilitation of the successful planning and execution
of all modernization and new construction projects including the maintenance of the
Facility Master Plan and capital project submissions.
4. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the administration of the provisions of the Board/ATA
collective agreement and other salary schedules relating to the various employee groups
working for the jurisdiction.
5. Assists the Secretary-Tre asurer in the maintenance of Policy and Procedures respecting
Support Staff.
6. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer to ensure the currency and adequacy of insurance
7. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer to ensure the compilation, maintenance and administration
of the fixed asset inventory.
8. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in all general and by-elections.
9. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in the coordination and management of the personnel
function in the areas of benefits administration including the processing of long term
disability claims and pension reporting.
10. Assists the Secretary-Treasurer in proposing policies and implementing authorized
policies and procedures that will result in effective financial planning, management and
control of Corporate Services.
C. General
1. Assume such responsibilities, consistent with the role of Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, as
may be assigned to him from time to time by the Secretary-Treasurer.
2. Assume the responsibility and authority of the role of Secretary-Treasurer in his/her
The above position description is intended to be representative of the type of activity that this position
is involved with. The description is not intended to be a procedural list. It is recognized that changes
in statute/rules/regulations will necessitate that activities be dynamically added and subtracted from
this list.